"You're not looking bad either." She said coming and hugging me from the side as I gave her an irritated look to which laughed out loud.

"Bitch!!!" I said pushing her away. She laughed yet again and pulled me along with her, grabbing her purse.

"Come let's go." Alizeh took her Coat and gave me mine as we made our way out.

Dadu, Dadi, and Cody were in the living area sitting on one of the Sofa sets watching TV when we came downstairs. Dadi gave us an impressive look.

"Dadi, Dadu we will be late so just go to sleep," Alizeh said hugging Dadi and pecked her on the cheek. I smiled looking at them as I went to Cody who was sitting beside Dadu, so engrossed in playing with some toy Dadu bought for him.

"Go to sleep Cody. Don't wait for me. Okay?" I said holding his cheeks and pecking on his forehead. He looked at me and licked one of my cheeks as he went back to playing.

I let out a laugh.

"We are going to have fun without you so don't bother." Dadu said looking from above his specs and then moved his gaze towards Cody, "Right boy?" He finished caressing him. Cody woofed at him and we laughed together.

"You two are looking gorgeous," Dadi said adoring us. We smiled at her.

"Have fun!!!" Dadu said looking in the TV being engrossed.

We nodded at them and said our byes as we made our way out towards Alizeh's car. I was ready for the wild night. I really need this after all the exhausting thoughts I've been having. I was hoping to get drunk and nothing more.


I let out a deep breath and looked out at the venue. We were still in our car parked outside the venue. I could tell it was going to be very crowded as we had too much difficulty in finding a spot to even park. I looked at Alizeh who was busy checking herself in the mirror, adjusting her hair and doing a little touch-up on her makeup.

I could hear loud music even from here, sitting inside the car and there is no need for me to imagine or even guess how it is gonna be inside. I felt a little nervous as even if I liked partying, it has always been with my people and here I don't know anyone except Alizeh who knows most of them.

"What happened?" Alizeh asked looking at me as she was finally done with the touch-up.

"You didn't tell me what kind of party," I said nervously looking out at the venue which had a busy entrance. I looked at Alizeh beside who was chewing gum. I continued, "It's looking..." but she was fast to cut me off.

"Wild?" She asked tilting her head to look at me. I nodded my head at her. Alizeh let out a laugh looking back at me, "Let's go." She said with a smirk and got off the car.

"Alizeh, wait!" I said but she was already out. I got off as well, giving Alizeh an annoyed look. She laughed it off and got hold of my hand pulling me towards the entrance of the venue.

"I don't know anyone here," I said stopping her and looking at one creepy guy who passed by us giving a smirk.

"You know me and you'll know more people soon," Alizeh said pulling me with more force. I stumbled and gave up. Anyway, we have come a long way here, so, it's better to go inside and what are we supposed to do this late at night anyway.

We made our way inside the venue. There were bouncers at the entrance. Alizeh showed them something on her phone and they let us in.

The moment we entered the smell of alcohol and smoke greeted my nose. It was crowded and dark with disco lights flashing. It was a drastic change, a whole different world inside that club. Some were drunk, some were smoking, some were making out anywhere they found an empty place, some were sleeping, some were chatting, some were in process of getting drunk and others were dancing like a maniac.

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