-Chapter 1-

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Glancing out the window of the city bus, your nerves grew inside of you. Normally you were never this nervous to visit your best friend over miles and miles away, but this time was different. According to your best friend Michael, something had... happened while you were away. It wasn't much of a surprise, with Beach City something is always new and different because of the gemkind there. You didn't know Steven too well, only heard about him occasionally while visiting. You had slightly hoped to change that, but we can't always get what we want, huh? Besides, you were content with just visiting your friend Michael.

He had been with you for as long as you remember. A childhood friend, per say. He had moved to beach city straight out of college, with his fascination over gems being the main motive. Which made quite a lot of sense actually; he was always looking for an adventure. Unlike you, he would go out of his way to experience new and exciting things every day. It had always been like this, even when you two were little. You preferred staying back, and enjoying the quiet of life. It's strange really, you're literally polar opposites. That didn't stop you from becoming friends, however, and it sure didn't stop you from visiting him in this strange city. Even if it risks an "oh-so-dangerous" adventure. It's not that you weren't interested in gemkind, it's just that you would rather live life from a seemingly... safer distance. According to Michael, something exciting had happened, and when he says exciting, he usually means dangerous and life-threatening.

Getting tired of your persistent thoughts of worry (What could have happened?), you stare out the window to try to distract yourself. It appears you looked just in time too, because you just started to catch sight of some of the town's architecture. They mostly appeared to be normal houses... restaurants... amusement parks... and the boardwalk, of course. Nothing seemed to be out of the normal. That was until you saw the small hill area outside of the city. Last you recall, there was an old, normal looking barn there. Now there was a huge, colorful blob of a city that's architecture was entirely different from the main town.

You slightly gaped your mouth, as it was so unique and... beautiful, in a way. There was a huge standing tower in what seemed to be the center of the city, which had strange orange-slice shaped structures on top, facing opposite ways. It was a strange design, and you caught yourself wondering what it could be used for? Just as soon as you caught sight of the gaze-catching city, it fell out of view as the bus took a turn down to Beach City. You felt as if you didn't look for nearly enough time, and wished deeply to see it again. The designs were so interesting, it appeared entirely futuristic. You partly wondered if this was what Michael was talking about; Was this the exciting happening? That wouldn't make sense though, as you didn't take that city for dangerous.

The bus suddenly comes to a violent halt, causing you to nearly bang your head against the window. You look out the opposite windows, and see a sign that says "Beach City". Gathering your bags quite clumsily, you hastily make your way out of the bus. The sun shone brightly on your face, inviting a warm tranquility to fall over your body, much to your delight. You take out the piece of paper in your pocket that had his address written on it. Not that you needed it though, you've been to his house many times whilst visiting. Normally you would go to his house first just to greet him, and then spend the whole day together catching up on life. Afterwards you would either find a hotel to stay at or crash in his spare bedroom. Given that his spare bedroom is probably filled with random stuff by now though, it's probably best that you already booked a hotel.

Walking through the town, you noticed that everyone seemed to be fairly happy and just as lively as ever. It didn't seem as if anything dangerous had happened lately. Or maybe they're just happy that something did happen, yet they were saved? If so, by who? Probably Steven and his friends. The curiosity was crawling through your mind now, and you hoped that Michael would fill you in on what exactly happened here. Who are you kidding though, of course he's going to tell you as soon as you get there.

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