•××Chapter 5-"A Weird Dream"×ו

Start from the beginning

She breathed heavily while she fell down and laid down dead. Anthony with a frightened look covered his mouth and began to throw up. He back away and found himself wearing his suit and have his fancy coat on. He heard an evil chuckle while some shadows seem to be moving on its own.

"Anthony, You're here! Like what I did to the place? Now no one can bother us!!! My love." Alastor said as he walked up to Anthony. His clothes were bloody, his eyes hungry for blood. His smile only grew more creepier. Anthony fixed his hair while he saw Alastor holding his hands. His body began to tremble while fear slowly builds up. He looks into Alastor's eye and found himself lost in them. For some reason, he saw Alastor for who he truly was but he was scared of him.


"You heard me. We can be together forever... I was madly in love with you and I hate how every single man in this damn town tried to take you away but don't worry... I'll be the only one touching your body and your soft lips..." Alastor pulled Anthony close while he started laughing like a crazy person.

Anthony pushed him away and began to run off. He heard his laugh get louder while he heard his footsteps.

"Get back here Darling, Daddy wants to play a little game. Let's play hunt the lover. I'll count to 10 and I'll come to hunt you down...


Anthony's heart started racing more and more. He found himself running in the woods while he heard children. He began to tell for them as he continues to follow the children laughing and playing around.

"Ready your not. Here I come." Alastor yelled as Anthony stopped and breathed heavily.

He was lost, all of his emotions got to them. Love... Confusion... Fear... Why was Alastor doing this to him? Whatever it was, he didn't want to deal with it. He heard footsteps as he turns to find his house. He quickly ran inside as he began to lock the door.

Tears began to fall down his face while he noticed that inside was a wreck. He stood up and began to walk around. He saw a lot of blood and noticed his pop's hat. He quickly grabs it and found dead bodies of his father and older brother.

He dropped his father's hat and covered his mouth. More tears fell on down while he cried for his father and brother. He may have hated them but he still loved them. He continues to cry while he heard some banging on the door.

"Anthony Dear!!! I know you're in here!!!" Alastor yelled. Anthony quickly went upstairs to his room and went to his closet and hide. He sat there in a corner and covered his mouth. Shaking while fearing that the man he likes will find him.

There were footsteps entering the house and a moment of silence was made. Anthony held his breath while he saw the door open. He heard a hum that Alastor would always sing. The man sees to have the ax he used to kill the woman. He began to look around and dance a little bit.

Anthony looked as he saw the man walked out since he didn't look at the closet. He sighs while he felt relief, but suddenly the closet opens and there was an ax right next to him. Anthony looked up to see Alastor sitting right in front of him. He was about to tell but Alastor stopped him.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?" He said as he had a big smirk on his face. Anthony breathed heavily while Alastor pulled out a pocket knife.

"I won't kill you in your sleep and you get to see your crush that is the real Alastor. But! If you ever go to hell, you'll be mine and mine only." Alastor explained as Anthony raised a brow. His face was red while he was still shaking.

"B-But... I.."

"Do we have a deal, Anthony?" Alastor asked as he hands his hand out for a handshake. Anthony looks at the man's hand while he looked back at the man's red glowing eyes and creepy smile.

"Times running out. Do we have a deal or not?" He asked again and it was his last warning. Anthony nodded as he shook the man's hand. Alastor began to laugh while he pulled away and stomp his foot on the floor which made Anthony fall through.

Next thing he knew it, he woke up in bed as he screamed. He looked around to find himself in his bedroom and found himself with almost no clothes. He checked the time as he sighs. He quickly pinches himself so he could check if he was awake or night. He flinches as he quickly let go. He got up and began to get dress. He wore a fancy pink dress while grabbing his make up kit. Making himself look pretty, made sure that Anthony was a new person. Time to distract himself through some hot men waiting to get a woman.

He needed the money...



To be Continue...

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