•××Chapter 7-"Confession pt.1"×ו

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In 1933, Anthony and Alastor have been recent business and barely spend time together. Alastor with his radio broadcast and his hunt. Anthony on the other hand, dealing with his father, joining the gang and being a disappointment to it, doing drugs, and slowly becoming a slut. When the two have time for each other, they would tell their day and fun times with their jobs. They were really close even if they were busy.

One day, Anthony decided it was time for him to tell Alastor how he felt. Even if being gay would mean death in the world they lived in. He began to make a few stops while he brought things for Alastor. He brought him some flowers and ran off as he was in love. He can't wait to see Alastor. He was going to surprise the man with a visit.

"Alastor, you're on in two," Alastor said, mocking a voice which he was talking to himself.

He started laughing while he cleaned his glasses and took off his coat.

"Sucks that this lovely red coat got ripped while I was heading out from to work." He said while he began to set up his station.

He suddenly heard a knock against the door which he hopes that it wasn't another woman that he has to kill. When opened the door and saw it was Anthony, he smiled widely while he was shocked about his visit.

"Anthony, what brings you here?" Alastor asked while he crossed his arms. "My broadcast is going to start in a minute." He said.

"I know but these are for you." He said while he gave Alastor flowers.

Alastor looked at the flowers and thanked him. Anthony was about to tell him but Alastor pushes him out and told him he was about to start. Anthony tried but Alastor told him to meet him at his cabin later. Once he closed the door he smelled them and softly blushed. Quickly shaking his head and placing the flowers down and beginning his broadcast as he began his show.

Anthony sigh while he walked away. Not getting a chance to tell Alastor. He saw his sister running up to him and telling him that he's needed back at home. Anthony began to run off while Molly followed behind him.


After Alastor broadcast, he put everything away and left. He looked at the flowers and smelled them. He felt his face heat up while he softly sighs with his soft smile. He was heading back home while he felt off for some reason. He was at home while he places the flower down and grabs his gun. Getting ready to hunt, putting his hunting coat on, and heading off to hunt for some deer.

He knew someone was following behind him. He had a plan for them indeed. What he didn't know, it was more than one that was following him.

Meanwhile, Anthony barely finished his task and was in a rush to meet Alastor in his cabin. He seems in a good mood other than his father giving his attitude. He was heading to the woods as he heard a few gunshots. He stopped while it sounded more than one. Then there was another one which was way more louder than the others. He quickly began running to the cabin as he began to yell for Alastor. Fearing might happened to him. He opened his door while he began to look around and call for the man.

Anthony noticed the flowers in a vase that he gave Alastor earlier. He also noticed his coat was here as well. Alastor did make it him but his gun was gone. He started to freak out as he heard footsteps outside while they were laughing. He closed the door and peek out through the window.

"Can't believe that Cannibal Bastard got away killing his victims for so long."

"I know right but finally put him down. And our dog were such good boys, hunting him out."

"That son of bitch was gonna get caught at some point. Must admit. He did kill Tim."

"Poor Tim, he was a good man. Let's get a drink shall we?"

"Yeah! Now no one will go missing."

The men walked away from the forest while Anthony began breathing heavily. He waited until they were fully gone and rushed out of the cabin to the forest. He ran as much as he can, calling Alastor again. He saw Alastor's hat while he continued to call him. He began to look around the area and found a gun on the ground along with a random man. He grabbed the gun and continued to call Alastor. He stopped as he saw a figure sitting laying on the ground sideways.

Anthony slowly went up to him, tapping him while he said Alastor's name. Turning his body to only be in tears. Alastor was shot to death while he had a bullet on top of his head. Anthony places the gun down while he grabs Alastor's body. Holding it close while he began to cry.

"No... Alastor... why did they take you away from me. You were the one of the good things that made me happy." He began to hug him and cry as he didn't want this to happen at all. He wanted the love of his life back. Knowing that it's too late. He looked at Alastor and saw him still smiling, even to his death. He softly chuckles while he leaned his head touching Alastor's.

"I love you... I love you so much."


A couple of years have pasted and it's now 1947, Anthony has fully became a heartless man. Who was known as a slut in his family. Molly was only there for him while she continues to support him and comfort him. Until one day, Anthony stole some pills and stared at them. He can't handle the pain anymore. The abuse, the insult. No matter what he did to show his father and family that he could be tough. He was always a disappointment to them. He wrote his suicide note while he shook his head in shame. Apologizing to his sister Molly.

He looked at the pills while he began to tear up. Pouring himself a lot and eating them all at once while he sat there, shaking to himself. Feeling himself losing his breath. He soon regretted his decisions and called for help. He heard the door open and it was his father and brother. Staring at him while they walked in, grabbing the note.

"Please... help me... I'll do anything..." he begged.

His father and brother read the note and began to rip it. Anthony shook his head begging as he got up and fell down. Choking now as he saw his brother and father leaving him to die in the room. He tries to reach but he finally stopped laying there while he took his final breath...


To be Continue...

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