Judges Form/Rules

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1) Report to me if a contestant is trying to bribe you, please. It's not fair to the other fair, hardworking authors.

2) You will be give 2 weeks to judge five books. You can start judging as soon as you are accepted. Read up to 3 chapters at least before you give them a score.

3) When you're done with your judging, PM this account your results. 

4) Please only apply if you KNOW you will be able to complete reading your assigned books within 2 weeks. I've seen way too many judges that have flaked and have left participants frustrated and annoyed because they now need to wait longer for results. Please, please, please be mindful of everyone's feelings. If you need an extension or something has come up, all you need to do is PM me. We can figure it out; just don't suddenly turn into a ghost. If you suddenly lose motivation in judging, I understand. I will find a new judge. Just PM me.

5) PM your contestant if they are not following you. If they still aren't following you even after you contact them, you can take points off their score.

6) Follow me for at least until the awards is over. 

7) You cannot judge the same genre as you are participating in if you are a participant. 

8) Give a shoutout for this awards on your page!



Genre you want to judge:

Are you a participant? If you are, which genre are you in?:

Are you okay with judging LGBTQ/Mature? Only one of them? Both? None?: 

Will you be a fair judge and report to me anything suspicious?: 

Tags (5+): 

Your Judging Form:

Title: 5 points

Summary: 5 points

Cover: 10 points

Grammar: 20 points

Creativity/Originality: 20 points

Plot: 20 points

Characters: 15 points

Personal Style: 5 points

Thank you guys for volunteering!

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