Part 5

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When Mickey and Scrooge arrived in the dungeon, they found a guard sleeping and holding the keys, so they took the keys without waking the guard, and used it to open the cell were Oswald, White Fang, and the Merry Men's are. When Oswald, White Fang, and the merry men's saw that cell was open by Mickey, they were proud of him for doing the impossible.

Oswald: Well done, little brother, I knew you could do it.
Mickey: Thanks
White Fang: Uh, little bro, who's the duck?
Mickey: Everyone, this Scrooge McDuck. He took care of me while I was in the South Kingdom.
Oswald: Why would a duck care for a thieve?
Mickey: I'll explain later, right now we have to find my friends, before bad things happen. (He and his family leave the dungeon room.)

When Mickey, Oswald, White Fang, Scrooge, and the Merry Men's found Minnie, Daisy, and Ortensia, Ortensia was so happy to see Oswald free.

Ortensia: Oh, Oswald, I was so worried!(She and Oswald shared a hug.)
Oswald: You know, I haven't had my kiss yet.

Oswald and Ortensia were about to kiss, until Goofy and Donald came, rushing in with some news.

Donald: Mickey!
Mickey: Donald, Goofy, whats up?
Goofy: While we were searching in the royal family office, we found some of Prince Pete's old plans.
Mickey: These plans might give us the reason, why our kingdoms are divided.

When they look at it, they saw some ridiculous art pictures of Prince Pete with money, until they found the right paper, they were looking for.

Mickey: Wait, this is the plan of dividing our kingdom. So, it was the greedy Prince, all along.
Minnie: What does it says?
Mickey: It says here, that there's a magic sword in the castle, and with its power, one kingdom can be divided into two kingdom. That's why our kingdoms are divided.
Scrooge: Well, now that we know what actually happen. How are we going to change it back to normal?
Mickey: It says here that the only way, to unite the kingdom once again is to use the magic sword and say, "All for one, and one for all."
Oswald: Then that's what will do. Where do you think the sword could be?
White Fang: Hmm, Prince Pete is not really that smart. So, I'm guessing he's hiding it in his room.
Mickey: Then that's where will search, you guys leave the castle. Me and my brothers got this.
Minnie: Good luck Mickey. (Kiss him on the cheek)

As Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang went inside of Prince Pete's bedroom, they found the magic sword, along with all of Prince Pete's money. When Prince Pete woke up, he found out that the magic sword and all of his money were stolen, and notice that the Brother Hoods has it and order the guards to kill them.

Prince Pete: Guards, kill the Hood Brothers! Don't let them get away!

When the soldiers were after the Hood Brothers, they started to use the magic sword together.

Mickey: All right brothers its time. Let's end this tragedy once and for all.
Mickey, Oswald, and White: (Hold the magic sword together) All for one, and one for all!

The magic sword started to glow, then the magic started to cover both the North and South Kingdom. Then the divided kingdom started to become whole and united once again. When the Sheriff and the guards were getting close to capture them, the Hood Brothers jump off the castle and started swimming. When Oswald and White Fang were finally at chore, and was found with the others, they notice that Mickey was still swimming.

Minnie: Oh deer, we have to help Mickey.
Scrooge: Hold on Minnie, he has to do this on his own now.

The soldiers started to shoot arrows at Mickey while he was swimming. When Mickey stop breathing, Prince Pete thought that he was dead and started to laugh with joy, and Mickeys friends were upset, but when Minnie saw Mickey out of the water alive, she was so happy that she kissed him. Prince Pete got upset and order the soldiers to arrest Mickey and his family, until King Richard III came.

Prince Pete: (Nervous) Your majesty, brother, I didn't know you'll be coming back so early. Sorry for your unexpected welcome, we were just...
King Richard III: Silence! I have heard of you what done while I was gone! From now on, you will no longer be the prince of this kingdom. Guards, arrest my brother and the Sheriff for breaking the law and for stealing money from the villagers!

As the guards took Prince Pete and the Sheriff and throne them into jail, everyone in the village were so happy to know that their king has return, and so where the Hood Brothers and their Merry Men's. Mickey then remember that he has something to ask Minnie.

Mickey: Minnie, being away has given me a lot of thinking, and there's something I've been wanting to ask you for quite some time. Will you marry me?

Minnie was so happy to here Mickey asking her hand in marriage, that she hugged him and kiss him. Which made Mickey to realize that she says yes.

Ortensia: I believe I owe you something, Oswald.
Oswald: (Remembered) Ah, yes. Yes, you do.
Oswald and Ortensia: (Kiss) Mm.
King Richard III: Mickey, Oswald, White Fang, come and kneel. (The Hood Brothers kneel) For your heroic duties, while I was away, I dub thee, Sir Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang. (Speak to the villagers) And from now on, the Hood Brothers  and their Merry Men's, will be in charge while I am gone. (Everyone cheered)
Mickey: Thank you, your majesty, but its no longer called Merry Men's anymore. Now called "Merry Family".
Merry Family: Hurray!
Scrooge: (Starts Singing) So cheer our hero's. Who joins legends of old. Raise a cup to the Hood Brother's who are brave and bold.
Merry Family: (Starts Singing)That is why we sing of The Hood Brothers. The Hoods saved our kingdom. And beat that wretched louse. They takes from the rich. And to the poor they give. And with us merry family in Never Forest lives. And with us merry family - In Never Forest lives.

After the celebration of the king's return, Oswald and Ortensia got marry. And so did Mickey and Minnie. But that will be a story for some other time.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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