trashy party • payton moormeier

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"Which way is it?" Kier asked as we navigated through the streets. It was pitch black.
"Uh take a left," I pointed as I looked at my phone.
"Who's party is this again?" Anthony asked.
"Kate Parker, I used to go to school with her," Kier explained, "We weren't like best friends but I knew her and she always invited me to parties and I'd always bring Rach."
I knew Kate as well but there was just something about her that was off. Like for instance, Kier had this boyfriend sophomore year, Cole Bridges. They dated for a while and really liked each other until he cheated on her with Kate. Kier thought it was some random chick who he cheated with but only I knew the truth. Kate always envied Kier and her relationships. Which was a sucky thing especially when we're bringing our boyfriends with us. Something is destined to happen and I know she's going to try and take one of our boys.
Kier turned the car off and looked over at me, "I don't know about this. I mean there's a lot of people..." She trailed off.
"It's going to be okay, I won't leave your side," Payton smiled as he rested his hands on her shoulders from his seat behind her.
"Promise?" She looked over at him.
"I promise," he linked pinkys with her.
Anthony got out first and opened my door, followed by Payton doing the same with Kier. We walked up the path to Kate's house, where you could hear the music and smell the weed and the door hasn't even opened yet. Anthony knocked while Payton held Kier's hand. We all knew of her claustrophobia. I just didn't hope she has another one of her panic attacks and really faints. Cons of being anemic I guess.
"Kiersten!" Kate exclaimed as she opened the door, "And I see you've brought guests!"
"Hi Kate, yeah I brought Y/n, Payt, and Anthony," Kier introduced.
"Are they your friends or.." Kate looked Anthony and Payton up and down and smirked.
"Boyfriends," I clarified and she looked over at me.
"Shocker," she rolled her eyes, "Anyways, come in and enjoy the party. Spin the bottle starts in ten minutes. And it's the intoxicated edition," She winked at Kier, knowing her habits.
"I definitely don't want to drink or smoke tonight," Kier stated as we walked in.
"Last time we did, I ended up passed out on the lawn," I laughed as I recalled the memory.
"Yeah at least you didn't wake up in bed with Drew Wallen. His fingering game sucked," she chucked.
"Kier!" We looked over to see Chloe Trent, another popular girl who we partied with.
"The game's about to start! Get in a circle everybody!" Chloe exclaimed. We all got down in a circle and Kate set down an empty beer bottle that she no doubt chugged already.
"Alright since the life of the party finally joined us after fucking forever, I think it's her turn," she handed the bottle to Kier. She set it down with shaky hands. This isn't going to end good. Payton rested his hand on her thigh as a sign of reassurance.
"She's going to try and break them up so she can have Kier's boyfriend again," I whispered to Anthony.
"Again?" He asked.
"She stole Kier's high school boyfriend and it crushed her. She doesn't know it was Kate though," I explained.
"Y/n, is there something you want to share before miss life of the party spins?" Kate glared. She never really liked me. I shook my head.
"Good, now spin Kiersten," she spat. Kier spun the bottle and it landed on none other than Cole.
"Fuck," I whispered as Anthony grabbed my hand.
"Um.." Kier trailed off.
"What does your dare say?" Kate grabbed the paper out of Kier's hand, "Let the person it lands on give you a hickey. Ooohh.." She laughed.
"I don't really feel comfortable doing that Kate," Kier stated.
"What why not? He was your boyfriend after all." Kate stated.
"So do the dare or drink up, bitch."
"Woah Kate that was totally uncalled for," Payton spoke.
"Oh sorry Paypay," she smiled and batted her eyelashes.
"Only I can call him that," Kier glared.
"So are you going to do the dare or are you too pussy to? You know Kiersten, I think you've changed. Became more of a wimp since you and Cole broke up." Kate spoke.
"Why did you guys break up again?" Chloe asked.
"He cheated," Kier whispered.
"What?" Chloe asked.
"He cheated on me," Kier spoke louder.
"Really? With who?"
"I don't know-" Kier spoke before I cut her off.
"It was Kate. He cheated on Kier with Kate." I answered as gasps were heard. Kier quickly stood up, Payton right behind her with his hand on her waist.
"Is t-that true?" She asked.
"What?! No-" Kate stammered. Cole stood up.
"Yes it was. She seduced me right when we were having a bad spot. And I'm sorry." Cole stated.
"You fucking bitch. Stole my man, stole everything from me. And you had the guts to still act like my friend?! You two faced slut!" Kier exclaimed, "I'm leaving." She turned around to walk out before Kate grabbed her hair.
"You aren't leaving until the game is finished."
"The fuck I'm not? You better check yourself," Kier glared.
"Baby it's not worth it. Let's just go," Payton ran his hand up and down Kier's arm.
"Yeah 'baby' go," Kate spat.
"I'm not gonna take your shit any longer," by the end of Kier's sentence, Anthony and I were at the end of the room, waiting to see what happens next but ready to drag Kier back.
"Kier, babe, let's just go," Payton grabbed Kier's hand.
"You're right." Kier turned to walk away but turned back around to throw a punch at Kate's face.
"Man, this party is trash," Kier shook her hand as she winced. "See ya'll later." She blew a kiss to the crowd as we walked out of the house.
"You bitch!" Kate cried out before Kier turned around.
"No, you bitch."

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