Chapter 9

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A/N: Hello everybody! Today is March 14, 2020. Thank you for reading this. We. Just. Hit. 116!!! OMG. This is so crazy, I am absolutely amazed that this made it to 138 in just 2 weeks. It is crazy. I am still waiting for my other story, a Kylo Ren x Reader called Reality, to hit 100. As of now (2/22/20), it is at 83 reads, which is still great! I have great plans for both of these stories. My sister opened her jukebox musical, Rock of Ages, last night and she killed it! I am so proud of her. Okay, onto the story. I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

"Yes, darling. Now would you please follow me?"

Slowly, Y/n takes his hand. She doesn't know if it is just her, but she feels a little spark as their fingers touch. The hold each others eyes before Y/n hikes up her dress with her other hand and steps on the ladder. They climb for about a minute before the tight tunnel opens up into a large dark chamber.

Loki hops down and brushes off his armor. Y/n sets her feet on the ground and releases the skirt of her dress. A rattling of chains is heard from the darkest corner of the room. Y/n and Loki approach the corner. A gleam of gold hair is visible, and soon the tattered body of Thor comes into view. His arms are being held above his head in rusty shackles, and his hair is messed up and he is gagged, but other than that he seems to be physically unharmed.

At the sight of Y/n, his eyes widen. He starts yelling and resisting from his restrainments. Y/n drops to her knees and cups his face with her hands. Loki, with tears in his eyes, waves a hand over the cuffs and the gag, and they dissolve into gold dust.

Thor opens his mouth, but says nothing, apparently just stretching out his muscles. He puts his hands up to Y/n's face and wipes away the tears that had falled.

"Y/n," he croaks. He throws his arms around her and begins sobbing.

Y/n looks up at Loki. He isn't even trying to hide the pain and hurt in his eyes as he cries, too. "Thank you," she mouths. He does nothing.


The elevator doors open to reveal Loki, Y/n, and Thor. The team's head snaps to them. Tony shoots up. "Thor!" He clears his throat and assumes a more casual stance. "Um, I mean, Point Break."

Thor gives him a weak smile. The team files over and gives him hugs and welcomes him back. Steve looks at Y/n. "You're safe."

"Damn right I am," Y/n replies with a smile. "I am going to take Loki back to his cell."

Loki looks down at her. She puts a hand on his back and leads him out of the room. They walk together in silence, until Y/n says something.

"Thank you, Loki. Truly."

They stop and face each other. "Of course, Y/n. Anything for your happiness. Even if it isn't with me," he says sadly. 

"I'm sorry, Loki. I really wish it could be any other way."

"Then let it be!" He exclaims.

"I can't. You know that. I told you that," Y/n says.

Loki takes her hands in his. "Please, Y/n. Please. Find a way."

Y/n looks away and nibbles her lip. Loki takes his thumb and forefinger to her chin and gently tilts her face torwards his. He lowers his head to hers, waiting for just a second before taking his lips to hers.

He was soft, softer than Y/N had expected. His lips are full and almost embrace her own supple lips. His hand was supporting the back of her neck as the kiss continued to linger and deepen, the pressure between the two unlike any they had experienced. They way they fit so perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle, their bodies molding against one another and their lips as one. 

As Loki pulled way, his arm still holding her around her waist, his other in her hair, they locked eyes, with an ocean of despair and longing swimming in their eyes. 

As he begins to dip his head back down to her, she puts her hand to his chest and turn her head to the side so that it rests on his shoulder.

"Loki," she whispers.

"Yes, darling?" He asks. 

"I can't do this."

He looks down at her, shocked. "What?"

She pushes herself away from him. "I'm sorry, but I just can't. I told you already!" 

"Fine." He turns around and runs his fingers through his hair, messing it up. "Fine. I'm done putting myself out there. For you. Or for anybody! Time after time I try to do that, but I just keep getting hurt. People die, or people hate. So I'm done. I'm done, Y/n," he whimpers. 

Y/n looks down, her eyes no longer swimming with lust but with tears. "Loki, please."

He whips around, a crazed look in his eyes. "What? What, Y/n? What could you possibly want now? To lead me on?"

Y/n steps backward, frightened. "Loki. Stop."

He advances on her. "Stop what, Y/n? Stop feeling? Stop trying to be good?" He walks over to her. "Now. I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago."

I Want What I Deserve// Loki x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now