Chapter 25 ྿ He's A Baby

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"Not that it's a competition... but she loves me 3,000." Tony told his wife when he spotted her sitting on the couch reading a book. "Oh, does she now." Pepper said with a smile. "You were somewhere in the low 6 to 900 range." He said as he paused mid way through, making her laugh. He looked over at the table where he had been working on earlier before asking. "Whatcha reading?" She looked up at him before saying "Just a book on composting." He didn't look at her when said "what's new with composting?"

"Interesting science..." she started to say. "I figured it out. By the way." He finally blurted out, not able to hold in his excitement in what he did anymore. That made her look up at him. "And, you know, just so we're talking about the same thing..." she said. "Time travel." He admitted. "What?" She asked him cautiously yet surprised "Wow. That's amazing.. and terrifying." She added. "That's right." He said as he took a seat next to her on the couch. "We got really lucky." She told him as she placed a hand on his. "Yeah. I know." He sighs. "A lot of people didn't." She added. "Nope. And I can't help everybody." He states. "Sorta seems like you can." She mentioned.

"Not if I stop." He replied. "I can put a pin in it right now and stop." He added. "Tony... trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life." She admitted and he chuckled at that as he smiled after. "Something tells me... I should put it in a lockbox and drop it to the bottom of the lake and go to bed." He tried telling her to see what she would tell him about it. "But would you be able to rest?" She finally mentioned and they both knew she was right, again.

"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one." Bruce could be heard saying. "Scott, Fire Up... the, Uh, van thing." He added. You were standing near Steve and Natasha. Scott did as asked and Steve spoke. "Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby." Bruce looked over at him and replied. "Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose, Uh, Tiny here in the 1950s." Scott looked up at him and said excuse me. "He's kidding." Natasha told Scott before telling Bruce "You can't say things like that." Bruce turned back to Scott telling him that it was a bad joke.

"Bad jokes are usually my thing." You said and felt a tap on your shoulder. "Hey Loki." You said as he gave a side hug before standing beside you to watch what was going on. You had to explain a little to him on what they were doing first. "You were kidding right?" Natasha asked Bruce. "I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is." Bruce admitted before telling Scott "We're good. Get your helmet on." Steve stood between Natasha and Bruce. You, between Loki and Natasha.

"Scott, I'm gonna send you back a week... let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Makes sense?" Bruce said and Scott told him "perfectly not confusing." Steve then spoke out "Good luck, Scott. You got this." Scott smiled at him. "You're right. I do, Captain America." He said and you chuckled softly at the little moment Scott was having. He then disappeared. "On a count of three, two, one." Bruce said and brought Scott back. But it wasn't... exactly the same Scott as he was when he left. It was a Teen.

"Uh... guys?" He asked. "This doesn't feel right." He added. "What is this? What's going on?" Steve asked after before Natasha asked "Who is that?"

"Hold on." Bruce said as he started to go through the gadgets. "Is that Scott?" Natasha asked. "Yes, it's Scott." The kid said before disappearing again. "What's going on, Bruce?" Steve asked. "Oh, my back!" Scott said as his older version came in. "Hold on a second." Bruce said again. "Can I get a little space?" He added as he told Steve and Steve moved. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Can you bring him back?" He asked Bruce. "I'm working on it." Bruce replied, stressing.

Scott as a baby then came through. "He's a baby." Loki said and Steve added "it's a baby."

"It's Scott." Bruce said

"as a baby" Steve snapped

"He'll grow." Bruce continued

"Bring Scott Back." Steve told him.

"Aye Maria." You muttered

"When I say kill the power, kill the power." Bruce stated and Loki nodded as Natasha said "oh, my god." Pressing a few buttons, Bruce said "and.. kill it!" Loki did as told and Scott reappeared normally. He didn't look so impressed. "Somebody peed my pants." He announced. "Oh, thank god." Natasha said when he returned. "But I don't know if it was baby me or old me. Or just me me." Scott added afterwards.

"Time travel!" Bruce yelled out with his arms stretched out. You sighed along with Steve and Loki as you walked off a little. "What? I see this as an absolute win." Bruce said with a smile. Steve decided to head outside. "Pietro was eating some pizza the last time I checked." Loki told you. "What about Bibi and Eva?" You asked "they left the compound to go check if their loved ones are still around. They didn't get the chance to since everything." He said and you nodded. "I'm going to check on Steve real quick." You said and he nodded. "I'll wait in here." He said as he gestured towards the other room.

Heading out, you found Steve standing near a pillar. He sighed lightly and looked up at the scenery before turning to the sound of your footsteps. "Hey," You started to say with a small smile and he returned it as he gave you a side hug. "That was... pretty chaotic" You told him, referring to the time travel and he nodded. Tires could be heard screeching in the distance, followed by an engine roaring. The two of you looked over to see who it was that was driving so fast. They pulled up in an Audi a foot away from you and Steve before reversing. It was Tony. "Hey Sport." He told you.

"Hey Tony." You replied with a small smile. "Why the long face?" He then asked Steve when he saw his face. "Let me guess, he turned into a baby." Tony added and you sighed, deciding to tell him everything that happened. "Among other things, Yeah. What are you doing?" Steve asked. "It's the EPR Paradox." Tony started to say before getting out of the car. "Instead if pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it." He finished.

You looked away knowing he was right. "You did." Steve said. "Oh, did I?" Tony started to say. "Well, thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it." He added before showing the device on his hand. "A fully functioning time-space GPS." Steve smiled at it. "I just want peace." Tony finished and you nodded. "Me too." You said with a funny like face and Steve lightly nudged you, making you laugh lightly. "Turns our resentment is corrosive, and I hate it." Tony said and Steve agreed. "We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I found, I have to, at all costs. And maybe not die trying. Would be nice."

Steve nodded as he offered a hand. "Sounds like a deal." He said and Tony took the offer, shaking the guy's hand before heading towards his trunk. Moving some things over, he pulled out Steve's shield. Steve sighed. "Tony, I don't know." He started to say. "Why? He made it for you. Plus, honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding." Tony said and Steve took the shield. "Thank you, Tony." Steve said. "Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn't bring one for the whole team. We are getting the whole team, Yeah?" Tony asked.

"We're working on that right now." Steve admitted and Tony nodded before pointing at you. "I have something of yours." He said and went to the other side of the car, opening the back door. Pulling out a cage like thing, he brought it back over and you realized what it was. "Willow!" You said with a smile and he handed her back over. Holding the cage in one hand in, you gave Tony a hug. "Thank you. Means a lot." You said and he replied a welcome along with he found her flying around his area.

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