The Wilderness Isn't Really My Thing

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Luna's POV
It's been awesome being friends with Sam and she said she has something big planned for the weekend I wonder what it is knowing her it's gonna be rocking. I hear a knock on the door and me and Sammy have this special knock that we do at each other's house's so we know who it is. I answered the door and of course it was Sammy "Lunes" she practically screamed she was about to say something she then she said "looks like we have an audience" pointing out that my siblings were listening "maybe we should go outside away from my nosy siblings" I half yelled I do love my siblings but, they need to learn to mind their own business. So Sam and I go on the front porch and it looks like Sam is going to explode if she doesn't tell me "okay I have a great idea for this weekend we are going camping" she spat "that sounds rocking" I smiled but, inside I'm not liking the idea I'm not really the outdoorsy type but, I want to spend as much time as possible with her. I start packing stuff for camping and I realized that I don't know what people need to camp Lincoln helped me he knew because of this guy he watches Rick something. I hear the doorbell and I think it's Sam "Luna Sam is here" I hear Lori yell up the stairs my siblings must be bugging Sam with every question that pops into their minds.. poor Sam. "Alright dudes leave Sam alone" I said coming down the stairs I grab Sam's hand and leave the house. Her mom drove us to a campsite that was thirty minutes away we said our goodbyes and she drove off. "It's time to set up camp Lunes" Sam bubbled I should tell her I'm not the outdoorsy type but, she looks so happy to camp I can do this, even if i really don't want to. Okay Luna you can do this it's for Sam just grin and bear it. I have been spacing out for a bit and noticed that Sam was about done with the tent "I'm so hyped about this weekend" Sam bubbled

Sam's POV
I love camping which is why I brought Luna I know she'll love it at least I hope she will. I have been camping every year since I was like four years old my mom brings me every year and now we take Simon but, I wanted to go with Luna one time just because she's the prettiest girl in the world and the most rocking. Whenever I look at her I just swoon and get lost in her big beautiful eyes. "Thanks Sammy" Luna giggled oh my god I can't believe I said that out loud I hope I'm not blushing "it's ok Sam a lot of people do that" Luna assured. Sam started to make a fire "while I make a fire why and how don't you tell me how you got into music" I smiled.

Luna's POV
That's a good question Sam asked "I think I always loved music but, I got really into music when I saw Mcswagger in concert when he played it felt like I floated on the stage"I smiled "also my dad loves music especially a cowbell". I added "for me" Sam started " I got a xylophone when I was three years old and I was really least that's what my mom says" Sam finished. I love listening to Sam it can be her singing or just talking and I could listen to her for hours

Sam's POV
I like seeing Luna smile but, I feel like she's not truly enjoying this please tell me she's not just doing it for me I want her to have fun and not just fake it. I really like Luna more than a friend I don't know if she knows. Maybe some canoeing will get her into the spirit of camping '"Lunes look at what I have...oars which means that we're going canoeing" she seems happy to do that oh please let that be real. I'm gonna do a mental check list let's see canoe,. oars and lifejackets we got everything ok now let's carry the canoe or portage (look it up) so the water doesn't look too rough. "Alright Lunes climb in" I grinned as I held out my hand she grabbed my hand and it felt like time stopped and it was just us in the world.

Luna's POV
I grabbed her and I didn't want to let go ever but, we had to go canoeing even though I don't want to I'm doing it for Sam. I sat down and the boat started to move so far not so bad about twenty minutes the water was getting rough and we were going faster then we should be and we flip over and we go underwater and I get scared I feel something pull me it's Sam "thankfully we got these lifejackets" Sam said trying to lighten up the mood before I could respond we crashed into some rocks at least we aren't going down the stream anymore. So we get out of the water and Sam checks the canoe "there is a hole in the canoe we can't ride it anymore" Sam said "oh what a shame" I angrily "what do you mean Luna? she asked I said that out loud dammit. "I'm sorry Sammy it's just the wilderness isn't really my thing I was pretend to like it to make you happy" I admitted she came beside " Luna I wanna do things that we both like to do" she began "Luna make me a promise no more lies between us anymore" she finished I nodded we grabbed the canoe and postage it back to where we started and we talked to each other the whole way back and I do promise not to lie to Sam ever again.

I want to apologize for not posting for over TWO YEARS technically over two years I am so fucking sorry I hope you enjoy my chapter my awesome readers

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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