They walked forward before the corner, and watched as the flower girl, Catherine and Louis 1 and a half year old daughter, Matilda, went down the path, where Louis and Catherine were going to be waiting at the end for her. Robbie, who was now 2 years old, toddled down the isle with the ring bearer pillow in his hand, making the cutest baby noises, before running toward his father. Ron knelt down smiling and lifted the boy into his arms and gently kissed his head. Lipton then took the little boy in his arms babbling quietly making Lip laugh. 

Her father and her walked forward around the corner and Charlotte could've started crying right there as she saw Ron, up at the alter at the end, standing proudly with his Class-A uniform on, his medals and badges proudly shown with his jump wings shimmering. His hair was gelled back, and she could tell that tears were already in his own eyes meeting hers. Ron had to bit back a cry that escaped as he wiped a tear from his eye seeing the beautiful girl he'd be marrying at the end. 

She saw the Best-Man, it was Lipton, standing in his own Class-A uniform with a smile on his face. The rest of the groomsmen consisted of Winters, Welsh, Nixon, and Chuck, all with smiles on their faces watching the girl. Chuck couldn't get enough of seeing the girl with that sunshine smile. 

Charlotte glanced towards the Maid Of Honor, and had to let out a tiny chuckle when she saw Tab up there in his own Class-A uniform, with Lucie standing next to him as the other Maid Of Honor. After Tab's comment about Maid of Honor, she just knew he had to be one, with Lucie of course and so the idea was born, and the two had become partners in crime coming up with their speech at the after party. The other bridesmaids were MJ, Caroline, Mary, and Anna who came from Paris to be at the wedding. Charlotte couldn't stop beaming as she made her way down the aisle slowly but shortly. 

The entirety of both their sides were filled with the men from Easy Company, some friends, and some family, but a bunch of love. Charlotte couldn't take her eyes away from Ron's, as they shone brightly with fresh tears, as he watched the woman who would be his wife walk down the isle. The beautiful music mixed with the sunshine coming in through the church couldn't make Charlotte happier. 

The men of Easy Company stood in the crowd watching the Sunshine Soldier walk down the aisle with that beautiful smile they all loved. Charlotte let her eyes go to the left and saw Liebgott smiling with tears in his eyes, and then to Shifty next to him with tears in his own eyes. Once they reached the end of the isle, Ron stepped forward. Charlotte turned to her father with tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly, as tight as she possibly could.

" I love you." her father whispered to her.

" I love you too, dad." she whispered back, before she pulled back. Her father gave her a similar smile to that of her own, before gently kissing her forehead. Her father let go of her hand before she turned to Ron, who was biting back his trembling lip. 

She'd only ever seen him cry once before and that it was when the two finally talked about the war together in the silence, sitting around a fire in her backyard. Charlotte had been getting nightmares and had been waking up each night. Ron had been going to work at the base nearby every day, and he'd come home with news about how he was still staying in the Army, training new paratroopers. That's when she talked about the war, and Ron finally broke down about it completely, talking about the terror of the war and the wall he'd built up. She then had gotten upset and the two had instantly been connected deeper than they had been before. Now as she took his hand, walking up to the alter she couldn't help but let a tear fall down her cheek as she looked at him. He took her hand and wiped the tear going down her cheek away with his other hand gently. Ron smiled before guiding her up the steps to the alter. The two stood hand in hand watching each other, smiling.

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