Betting with a Legend - P.2

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His body shifted so that he was laying on his side instead of his back, propping his head with one hand while reaching in your direction with the other.

Without giving it another thought, you walked out from behind the safety of the door completely exposing yourself in the lingerie to him. Your feet moved across the money covered floor, slowly trying not to use your arms and hands as cover for your body until you were close enough to put your hand in his.

His grip was soft yet firm, giving you a gentle tug to come even closer to him as his eyes scanned from your head to your knees and back again.

"I'm the luckiest dude in the world." He said out loud though mostly just to himself.

You couldn't find any words to return with, still luckily you didn't have to. Octavio, again, was far from shy and never had any problems taking the lead on anything. Surely, especially in this situation, he knew how nervous you were and had been taking the lead when you couldn't.

It was colder than expected in the bedroom as you stood quietly watching as he placed a series of gentle kisses on the back of your hand and wrist. His lips grazed your fingertips, making sure to touch each part of skin he possibly could. He was passionate about his death defying stunts and it appeared he was also passionate about some other unrelated things as well. This wouldn't be a quickie or mindless fucking for his own pleasure. But instead, it would be a night you'd never forget and leave you wanting more.

His hand left the side of his head that had been keeping him propped up, using his strength to sit his body upright. His back pushed against the headboard to keep himself steady as his eyes returned to yours.

"You're so beautiful." He spoke softly in that accent that made your heart flutter.

The hand that still held firmly onto yours began to pull you onto his lap so that you were eye to eye with him. His clothes were still on, still when you sat down you could feel the firm bulge that had been building in his pants. Being this close to him managed to send an icy chill down your spine as you took in his scent. Despite wearing the same battle clothes from earlier, it was obvious he found the time to clean himself up and prepare for this moment. He was close shaven, though kept some stubble along his jawline bringing a mature look to his face.

Removing your hand from his, you pushed away some of the hair that had been hanging near his face before placing your palms on his surprisingly strong shoulders.

The room was still silent, with the lights on, giving you the perfect view of him. Even in your heavily revealing outfit, he never took his dark eyes away from yours. They were softer than the usual wild you were used to seeing. It was indeed a strange change to pace to see him like this.

"I'm super nervous" you half chuckled, deciding to be as honest as possible with him. You weren't sure what to say to begin with but you were sure it was best to let him know how you were feeling just in case.

"Oh, you're nervous huh?" he responded moving his free hands from his sides to gently place themselves on your bare hips. "Tell me...why are you so nervous?"

Your skin instinctively shivered at the sudden touch of his hands to cold bare skin. His fingertips were rough – as to be expected – but the caress of his thumbs on your soft skin had been nothing but gentle.

*Why are you so nervous?*

It was a great question that needed an answer without too much hesitation. Why exactly were you so nervous to be in this situation with him? It would be a lie to say that you haven't fantasied about him that moment you saw him competing while you watched from your living room not yet a legend yourself. From the privacy of your own bedroom, you thought about this moment and others not as intense but you never felt nervous at all.

You could still remember the first time you saw him without his mask, goggles, and cap. How you felt and how it was almost impossible for you to take your eyes away from him.

"Does my touch make you nervous?" he asked as you appeared to have indecision in your silence. "Maybe it's my closeness?"

And with that, he pulled gently on your hips bringing himself away from the headboard of the bed and closing the space that had been between the two of you.

Without thought, your hands moved away from his shoulders and placed themselves loosely on the back of his neck. The sensation of his lips tickling the skin of your neck was almost enough for you to gasp as he traveled slowly across the sensitive area.

His hands left your hips as his arms wrapped you tightly against his body allowing for your own arms to tighten themselves around his neck as well. Your cold body began to feel warm in his arms and yet managed to keep a slight shiver from his lips exploring the length of your neck. Occasionally, he lightly brought a nip to that skin as if he was attempting to leave visible marks.

Your faintly fabric covered breasts pushed against his chest firmly as your bottom half slid perfect against his, still feeling the intense bulge in his pants that was waiting to break lose. The feeling of his bulged shorts pushing against the thin strip of fabric protecting your vagina had been something straight from a dream. It was the perfect tease for your body and your mind that also managed to wipe that nervous feeling completely away. You wanted – or more like needed -- him to take and dominate every piece of you without mercy.

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