Dual of Fire: Senbonzakura

Start from the beginning

"Oh I'm sorry." said the rodent man with a smirk as his spines suddenly raised themselves like a porcupine preparing to strike. "I get it, you ladies like the human ones better.."

Suddenly Hoshimi let out a small moan as she felt a few spines shoot out and stab into her.

There was no pain, just a numbing sensation as she fell over, her body now completely paralyzed.

The monster laughed as he began rummaging through Hoshimi's jacket, pulling out a wallet with a bit of yen and other personal effects like her i-pod.

"Jeez, this all you got?!" muttered the creature with frown and a roll of his glowing bulbous eyes. "At least have enough on you for a train ride to the nearest Hidden Space Port."

"SHEEEEN!!" suddenly there was a wind gust that slashed near the creature's head, cleaving a concrete wall in half.

"Argit.. causing trouble are we?" said a voice. 

A girl wearing a white winter jacket, a blue scarf and black leggings walked out. Her hair was blonde and tied in a braided bun with a blue ribbon. Hoshimi couldn't remember ever seeing a girl more graceful and beautiful looking, her green eyes sparkling like emeralds.. 

In one of her mitten clad hands.. she seemed to be holding something made of pure wind, at least that's what Hoshimi speculated from her fallen paralyzed position, it looked like something was rippling around in the empty space where the girl's mitten was positioned like it was grasping something. 

"Saber!" Argit said, holding up his hands. "Girl! Buddy! You wouldn't cleave a friend in half would you-?"

"We know the same people, that doesn't make us friends." said the girl coldly.  "This one happens to be a friend of the mutual acquaintances we share. I would advise you leave, before I send my blade down your throat."

Argit blinked and shrugged. "Er.. yeah, whatever you say crazy lady, I'm out."

Argit scurried off like a rat into the shadows as the girl knelt next to Hoshimi. "Relax, do not panic, it seems he used the paralyzing kind instead of the sleeping kind ,you will be up in a few minutes."

"Wh..who are you?" Hoshimi stammered.

"A friend of Ben's." said the girl with a small smile. 

"How did you-?" 

"Know where to find you? You would be surprised at the resources for searching that the Plumbers have." said the girl. "I myself was quite impressed with the array of technology involved in finding one person. Oh, forgive me, I seem to have forgotten my manners. You may call me Saber if you wish."

"Saber, that's an odd name."

"It isn't my true name, think of it as a placeholder until we get to know each other a little better." said Saber. "Come, lying in the street is hardly the place or position in which to talk."

Saber picked Hoshimi up and slung her over one shoulder before suddenly leaping a great distance into the air and landing on the roof of a building.

"Y.. you're strong!" stammered Hoshimi with shock.

"Of course." said Saber simply

"Are all mortals like this now?" Hoshimi mused as Saber leaned her against a railing in a sitting position. 

"Like what?" Saber asked as she sat next to Hoshimi, pulling a few sandwiches out of her small backpack right as Hoshimi's limbs were starting to regain feeling. 

"Ben can morph into a variety of strange and wondrous creatures. Mikoto can summon lightning as if she were a descendant of the Raijin,  Kuroko can disappear and reappear instantly.. and Max, well, he seems to know a lot." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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