"ENOUGH!" Alby bellows, cutting me off and stopping Newt from saying something. "Stop letting your personal issues get in the way of Elijah's best suited roles. I suggest you both stay quiet for the rest of the meeting." I take a deep breath and let Gally pull me back to my spot at the wall, my blood still boiling.

"Right. Gally, Zart how did Elijah do with your training?" Alby asks, addressing the last two people in the room. "He was alright at being both a Gardener and a Track-Hoe. They are both options for him if you feel like other roles may not be as suited to him. But from the sounds of things, he would suit being a Med-Jack better."

Alby nods his head and looks to Gally, who still had his hand wrapped around my wrist in case I lost it again. "And Gally?" "Like you have all been saying, the boy has strength to him. I would suggest that becoming a Builder would be a good choice for him. But I also stand by Dani's point of teaching people how to be a Med-Jack is pretty hard in itself while training people to be a Builder is a lot easier. Plus, it's not like I'm really running out of builders anytime soon. Dani's only got 2 other Med-Jacks."

I give Gally a thankful smile once he is finished, and it widens once he lets go of my hand. "Thankyou. So can we all agree that the two roles he is most suited to are Med-Jack and Builder?" Alby asks the group, getting a chorus of nodding heads and 'Yes/Yeah's. "Ok then. Those in favour of Elijah becoming a Med-Jack?"

4 hands raise into the air, the only hand not raising being Newt's.

"And those for Builder?"

Newt's singular hand raises into the air.

"Alright then. It's settled. Dani, Elijah will start work with you tomorrow morning. I expect you to have told him the news by breakfast. And the rest of you, you know the rules. You aren't allowed to disclose any information to him nor the other Gladers until Dani has told him." Alby claps his hands together, nodding his head in my direction. "You may go to bed now." He tells us, watching us all file towards the door.

"Actually! Newt, Dani. I want you to stay behind." He calls to us, making me huff out in annoyance. I stop in my tracks and say goodnight to the guys, then turn around and approach Alby in the middle of the circle, Newt being close behind me.

Once everyone has left and the door is shut behind them, Alby clasps his hands together and looks between the two of us. "Now, I have no clue what the hell is going on between you two right now. But I suggest you sort it out before you start effecting the rest of the camp. You aren't allowed to leave this hut until you have talked through your differences. Got it?" He orders, looking at the two of us expectantly until we nod our heads. "Good. I'll be standing by the door to make sure you don't leave until it's sorted."

And with that, he leaves the room in silence.

Newt and I take a step away from one another, me looking to the floor as Newt glares at me. Neither of us say anything, and I know that if I don't say something first then it will only end up staying this way.

"There's no point in glaring at me when I don't even know what I've done to make you this pissed at me." I state dryly, looking into Newt's eyes with an empty expression. He clicks his tongue. "Oh, you know exactly why I'm pissed at you. First of all, Gally has told you and second of all, you heard me say it to Minho when you eavesdropped on our converstion earlier."

Newt takes a step closer to me, and in turn I take another step back, not particularly wanting to be that close to this pissed off version of Newt. "I heard you say something, but I'm not entirely sure I know what you meant by it. You want to clarify?" I ask him, keeping my voice at a steady tone for as long as I can. "You're smart Dani. You know exactly what it means." He says through gritted teeth.

He continues to walk towards me as I walk back, partly because I don't to be near him but also because Newt never gets mad, so I have no clue what could happen right now. Once my back hits the wall of the council hut I gulp, unsure if I want to be this close to Newt as we are both angry and too wrapped up in our emotions for one another.

"Maybe I just want to hear you say it..." I whisper, my breath fanning over his face due to how close we were to one another. In a split second, it's like someone sucks all the anger out of our bodies and instead the lust between us takes over. Newt's lips crash into mine hungrily, and I immediately kiss him back.

His hands grab my hips and roughly pull them into his, while I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. We push and pull against one another, our bodies yearning for the other's touch as we revel in the closeness between us. It's everything I could have ever asked for, and in this moment it's just Newt and I. No anger. No sadness. Just us. Us.

When his tongue flits over my bottom lip, I pull away. Not because I didn't want to, but because this is not the place to do this right now. "My room..." I pant, and he nods. "Your room..." And with that, I grab his hand and we walk quickly out of the council hut. My hands push the door open, ready to be met with Alby's questions, but to our surprise he wasn't there. I smirk at Newt as he closes the door behind us, and the two of us rush to get to my hut, the door swinging open and shut as we enter.

The second we are inside my hut, I turn around to Newt once more and catch his lips in mine. It was becoming passionate between the two of us, and I was afraid that if I didn't take this moment now that I wouldn't get the chance to again. Newt's tongue flicks over my lip again and I drop my jaw to let him in, slightly taken aback by how good he was at this.

Our feet slowly pad backwards and when the backs of my knees finally hit the bed, I fall backwards, pulling Newt down with me. I grab onto the back of his neck hungrily and pull his body into mine, while his hands gripped my hips tight enough that I would probably have bruises there for a week.

He detaches his mouth from mine and places light kisses along my jawline and neck, finding sweet spots that make breathy moans slip from my lips. "Newt..." I whisper, trying to grab his attention. Slowly, Newt brings himself away from my neck and rests his weight into one hand, the other cupping my cheek with admiration. "I know... I'll stop. I just... You're so beautiful..." He murmurs, making me smile both from the compliment and from how quick he was to cut me off.

I shake my head bringing my own hand up to touch his face, my thumb gently rubbing his swollen lips. "You didn't let me finish..." I smile, "I was actually going to say please."


I lay in Newt's bare arms. Our legs tangled together, my head resting on the top part of his arms while his other hand traces small shapes onto my bare tailbone. Our eyes looking into eachothers with a new level of admiration, and appreciation for one another.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there last night..." Newt whispers into the silence, his hand brushing through my slightly damp hair. I bring my hand in between us and lay a finger over his lips. "Shh... It's ok. You're here now, and that's all I could ask for..." I reply, placing a chaste kiss to where my finger was. "And I'm never leaving..." He returns, making me smile.

I move my head so that it's in the crook of his neck, placing another few kisses there as he places a kiss of his own on the top of my head. "Goodnight, love..."

His arms wrap around me tighter as he pulls my body closer to his, my arm instinctively draping itself over his chest as I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep...


"Oh good. Finally." Minho's voice calls out from the door to my hut, waking both Newt and I up. Newt is the first to realise the lack of clothing on our bodies and how the blanket was slipping from my frame at a slow rate, so grabs it as quickly as he can and pulls it back up to my bare shoulders.

"Someone had a good night then." I see Minho wink to Newt as I peel my eyes open. I throw my middle finger into the air and murmur, "Slim it Minho!"

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