OLD 1. The secret

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A loud sound of explosion echoed through Corona.

"DAD! NO! No...no. . ."

"I'm sorry...sis...


Her eyes winded as she woke up, the red haired girl sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. The moonlight illuminated her room, there were books and papers scattered on the floor. She ran a hand through her shaggy hair.  

"Another one.." She told to her self, then got up and dressed in a teal shirt and a brown skirt. With a backpack on her back, she quietly got out of her house and headed straight to the woods. She walked through the forest for some time. The forest looked so mysterious but beautiful in the middle of the night, you could almost hear the stars twinkling in the sky, Kris listened to the sound of a flowing river and the hooting of owls, until she reached a small village. She walked to the other end of the village and into a lab.

Inside the laboratory, papers and books were scattered everywhere she looked. "Home, sweet home." The girl smiled, but it quickly faded. "At least that's how I feel it." Kris looked at the machines around the room and examined them. There were a lot of chemicals on the tables and o the shelves. She walked to a corner that was covered in blankets and pillows. The red head laid down and took a book out of her backpack. 'The tales of Flynnigan Rider'. Her most favorite book; One day Kris found it on one of the tables. She started reading it and at some point she fell asleep.


"Promise you'll remember me Kris." Said a young boys voice.

"I pvlomise" Said a lot younger girly voice.


Kris woke up with a book on her head. 'What are these voices?' This has been going on for weeks, Kris didn't tell anyone, they would think she's insane. These were just dreams ... right?

The girl looked out the window and saw that the sun was going up. Her eyes widened. "Oh no, ohnoohno!" She began to panic. "Xavier will kill me!"

She ran out of the lab and headed back to Corona. When she reached the bridge, she was out of breath, she felt sick from all the running, her heart beat was faster then normal, and her head started hurting. Kris walked through the crowded streets and headed straight for the blacksmith.

"Hi, Xaves..." She said once she reached her destination. Xavier stopped what he was doing and hugged the girl.

"Kris, I was so worried, where have you been?" He asked, holding her by the shoulders. She scratched the back of her neck. Xavier was her like her foster-father, he took care of her as long as she can remember. When she was little, she fell into a deep ditch and banged her head onto a rock. "I- I was at the...s-sweet shoppe..."

"Kris, you know you're bad at lying." Xavier looked into her eyes. "You were in old Corona again, weren't you?"

Kris just nodded and looked down. "I can't help it, I like it there, I found really cool things in that lab, like a machine that can create a whole new element!" Her eyes lit up when she started talking about a lab that reminded her of home. "Though it's broken, but I can fix it." She muttered, and Xavier laughed.

"You remind me of your brother..." At that moment everything stopped. Xavier realized what he had just said.

"W-what ..." Kris was stunned. Xavier quickly tried to fix it. "I-I mean you remind me of MY brother ... Aervix ... he... he always liked talking about machines ... and stuff ..." The excuse was no doubt terrible, but it was enough for little Kristine to believe.

"You have a brother!? Why haven't you ever told me about him!" Xavier sighed.

"Well ... he lives very far away and will definitely never come here, so there was no need to introduce him." Xavier lied again and it didn't help that Kris was kept asking. So Xavier made up a story about his 'brother' and Kris listened interested.

After some time Kris mustered the courage to ask Xavier.

"X-Xaves?" She said slowly, Xavier turned to her. "What?"

"I- I... hear voices in my dreams. One of those voices sounded like me - but younger..." Xavier paused for a moment, then asked. "What did those voices tell you?" Kris looked at him. "There was another one. It sounded like a boy around my age and- he said, 'Promise me you'll remember me.'"

Xavier dropped the hammer that he was holding and stared at Kris with wide eyes.

"W-What's going on? I-Is it bad?" Kris asked worriedly.

"N-No... maybe it's something in your mind, you know that your brain is damaged." Xavier said.

"Well, yeah... that would make sense." And then there was an awkward silence.


Later that day, Kris walked around the castle looking for the little princess Anxelin with whom she played hide and seek. The little girl didn't have a chance at winning against Kris. (At least not after those 30 times she had lost) She wanted to enter the throne room, but stopped when she heard voices, she opened the door a little and peered in. She saw the Queen, the King and ... 'Xavier! What is he doing here.' She thought, and began eavesdropping on their conversation.

"- that's why I had to lie to her about having a brother. She seemed to believe it, but she's too smart for this, I think she might know that something's up ..." Xavier explained to the Queen. 'What! What is he talking about! '

"Well, in that case, we must keep her from Rapunzel's diary and be careful around her." The King said.

But the Queen shook her head. "No, we have to tell her! After all, they can come back any day." But Eugene protested against this decision.

"What! Rapunzel, it's been six years. They're not coming back!" But Rapunzel retorted Eugene. "Eugene, we can't hide it from her all her life."

"All right, let's say that they'll come back, but what do we do after? We don't know what would happen to her brain. She wouldn't even remember them!" He said.

"Eugene, we don't have a choice, when they'll come back we would be in a big trouble! I promised to take care of her!"

"But how are you planning on telling her 'Hey Kris, sorry but your whole life is a lie and your family has left you'?  Said Eugene in a girly voice.

Kris paused. "What...no..." Tears slowly poured into her eyes. She no longer listened, she ran away from the door and out of the castle, trying to comprehend everything she had just heard. Her feet led her far away from Corona, she once again runed to the laboratory. She slammed the door behind her and fell to her knees. Her head was spinning and her limp body fell unconscious to the ground.


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