Never forget

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Arlene walked around the gardens humming to herself. She loved this garden. It was massive. It was rumored that every flower that could survive in this California weather was in this garden. It was like the colors of the rainbow came alive here. She knelt down to the one white Lilly. Her favorite flower. As she leaned to the flower she saw a shadow over her.

"You've been avoiding me."

She didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"There's nothing to avoid, Nathan."

"Really? Then why when I step in to a room you seem to find some excuse to leave?"

"I've just been extremely busy."

"Well you don't seem busy now, so let's talk."

Arlene sighed. She slowly got up and turned around to look at him. He really was handsome. He had the same tan skinned and caramel hair as Isabella but his eyes, they were blue. He in no way looked feminine like Isabella. He had a strong build like his father and uncanny similar smirk. It was the very thing that made her lose her senses that night.

"There is nothing to talk about, Nathan. Can you please let it go? It was nothing." It had to be nothing. Had to be.

"Nothing? That night three months ago was not nothing."

"Like you said, it was three months ago. It's over and done with." But in fact she hadn't stopped thinking about it since then.

"Again, I ask, nothing? We made love three months ago. You gave yourself to me. I was your first. I made you mine."

"It was a mistake fueled by being at an exciting place. I've forgotten about it. Why can't you?"

"Did you, Ary? Did you forget?"

"Yes, I did."

"Then let me remind you."

Before she could react, he had already pulled her to him. His one hand wrapped around her waist and the other quickly was filled with her dark hair. There was no point fighting him because she already knew she could not resist. He quickly but thoroughly coaxed her mouth in to opening for him. To let him in. When she did, he could not resist the groan that came out of him. She tasted so sweet. It was like she was made for him and that was exactly what he believed. His mouth became more urgent against hers and she was helpless to resist. He knew he needed to stop before they went any further and surely get caught, but he wanted her to admit even if it was just to her self that she wanted him. So he moved his lips to her jaw line then slowly descending to her collarbone where he new made her mad. And then, only then, did he hear wanted he wanted to. She gave a low, throaty moan. He slowly went back up to her lips and gave her one last kiss. Then, finally he pulled away. He looked at her swollen lips, mussed hair, and barely opened eyes. It took all his will power not to take her then and there, he needed to prove something.

"Did you Ary," he asked again. He saw her open her eyes in confusion , "Did you truly forget? Because I haven't and I don't think I ever will."

Before she could respond, he walked away. He wasn't going to stand there and let her deny her feelings again. It would hurt too much, because he has loved her for longer than he could remember. That night jad been the happiest night of his life only to wake up the next morning to discover she wa goon and when he had gone down to the reception of the hotel they had slept in, the receptionist informed him that the lady had left an hour ago and that her flight was leaving at that exact moment. His high had come crashing down to know that nihht was nothing to her. While for him was a night to remember. His love for her had only grown. He wasn't willing to lose that feeling.

She always been too young for him. Every summer she and her brother would come were pure torture. Having her so close but never able to do anything about it. At first it has been embarrasing. When he was a young boy he thought it ridiculous that he had, what he thought at the time, a stupid crush on his friend's kid sister. Then as he grew older he gradually started to realize how serious and profound his feelings were. As a teen, he thought he had to rid himself of these feelings as he did not want to betray his friends trust. Now, as a man, now he knew better.

Now that he had been able to taste a piece of what he has always considered a forbidden fruit, now he wasn't going to give up. She was his and he was going to show her that he was never letting go.

Arlene stood there, not being able to move yet. She knew he was mad, but she couldn't let him think of that night as anything else. That night had truly been fueled by the excitement of being a new place and the freedom of having been there without the supervision of her ever present older brother. Then, Nathan appeared. He had looked more handsome than ever in his formal attire that had been necessary for the party of a mutual friend.

He had saved her from continuing to listen to a pompous rich boy going on and on about his Daddy's villa. So much had been her gratitude that she offered to buy him a drink. Then one drink, turned in to many more. They hadn't been drunk, no. They had just felt a slight upbeat and giddy feeling. Still, being a gentleman, Nathan offered to walk her to hotel room where the elaborate party was being held.

As soon as they arrived at her doors, she turned around and asked him if he wanted to stay there. He had been drinking and he was not staying in the same hotel, and she was afraid he might get in accident. He had refused, so she offered to at least give him some coffee so he could wait a little to be more sober to drive. After she had finally convinced him and had given his coffee, they had started to joke around and reminis about old times. Then the laughter had turn in to interest and they had kissed. The next morning she woke up and new exactly what situation she was in. No, she did not blame the drinks, because they had sobered up before the kiss. She blamed her own stupidity and letting the excitement the moment influence her. She had let one her best friend's brother take her first time. The worst part was that she found herself wanting to stay with him. She knew how he was. He was a player and a player never took these matters seriously, not even if it had been her first time.

So she quickly dressed and picked up her luggage which had not been unpacked and checked out of the room. She made sure to tell the receptionist that her flight would de part in an hour and she was already late. In the airport she had been so worried that he might catch up to her and also hoping. She had lied to the receptionist, her flight would not leave until later that afternoon. Nevertheless, he had not come and she went back home where she vowed to forget about that night.

But she did not forget.


Sorry about the wait. I had originally posted this late in October and did not see that it had not saved. To make matters worst this entire chapter had been deleted. I rewrote the whole scene again from scratch.
Anyway this was to give you an inside in Arlene's and Nathan's relationship. I hope you enjoyed it.
Picture of Arlene on the side.

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