0.16| "𝐖𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝗺𝐞𝐬!"

Start from the beginning

"They really don't look that  happy, do they?" He said, looking out fo the windows at the order who were slowly becoming more and more aggressive.

Mary, however, was calmly applying a new coat of lipstick, Teagan could see that it clearly wasn't the right colour for Mary, but she didn't think that was the most important thing right now. You know, because of them being circled by the Protestants.

"Why don't we explain it was an accident, that we don't mean any trouble?" Mary suggested.

Teagan quickly nodded along with Mary's idea.
"Yeah- yeah, that's a good plan mr Quinn go tell them that"

Gerry shook his head, "I'm not going out there" he muttered.

Mary shook her head, annoyed at her husband, "send one of the wains out"

Teagan, Clair and James all looked at each other with pure fear in their faces.
"What?" They all gapped, looking at Mr and Mrs Quinn with their eyes wide open with fear.

"Well, the wee fellas English, I think they'll respect that" Mary tutted, looking absentmindedly out of the window.

Teagan stopped for a second and considered it, sure, it wasn't safe but they might go easy on James because he was English.

"I think they would respect that" Clare agreed quickly.

Gerry nodded and turned to look at James, "away you go, son"

James gasped and wrapped his arms around Teagan even tighter than before, acting as if she was somehow going to save him from what they all wanted him to do.
"You're not serious" James protested in a hoarse voice.

"It'll be grand," Gerry answered "I'm sure underneath it all they're reasonable people"

James seemed to be considering it, rather reluctantly, but was cut off by the order starting to shake the car aggressively.

"Absolutely no chance!" He wailed.

Mary and Gerry sighed in annoyance, what the fuck where they gonna do now.
Sacrificing the fella was the last option they had.
Luckily for them, Clare quickly yelled out, "send Teagan out, she's aggressive enough to scare even them away!!" She recommended in a high voice.

Teagan's eyes flew to Clare and she glared at her "way to sell me out Clare!" She yelled in protest.

Clare gulped and turned to Teagan, "think about it though they'll be frightened of you, wouldn't they James?" Clare rushed, snapping her gaze to James for backup.

He looked panicked and considered it for a few seconds, "yeah they would, but we can't send her out there"

Teagan smirked triumphantly at Clare and gave her a annoyed look.
"There you go! Clare"
Gerry looked back at them in the back and shook his head
"No, sending Teagan out would make it worse we don't want her starting a fight with one of them" he grumbled, "our safest bet is sending the English fella" he said again.

James's face turned white again and he looked like he was going to pass out from fear.
Teagan considered it again for less then a second before shaking the idea off.
James couldn't fight his way out of a plastic bag, let alone talk them all out of a situation as dire as this one.

Teagan scowled and placed one of her legs over James to 'protect' him.
"We are not sacrificing James!" She told them all I'm a raised voice.

"Grow a pair and figure it out yourself, mr Quinn!" She told him, making direct eye contact with the two adults.

Gerry gulped and nodded before slowly rolling down his window.
When a man came face to face with him from outside he shit his eyes and psyched himself up.
He opened his eyes and smiled uneasily at the man,

AN: This is actually awful, I know. But I don't really find this episode interesting to write so It's just bland and boring.
The next chapter might take a while or it might be up soon idk.
It depends on weather I just rush the ending of this episode today or procrastinate like I did with this chapter 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also thanks so much for 21k!!! You have no idea what that means to me.
Every single one of you who votes on any part is amazing and I appreciate you all so much.

1700 words

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