Kokoro no Ai Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I've never taken a liking to volleyball but one day my friend who loved the sport dragged me to see a game of our new school, Karasuno high school. We heard one of her senpai went to play for the team. I learned the basic rules of volleyball from my friend and just in case I wanted to try out for the team when we got there.

"Oh look there he is, Nishinoya Senpai"

Yes we are now third years in Chidoriyama Middle School. Our senpai was short, 159 centimeters last time we saw him. We heard Shiratorizawa was a massive powerhouse team, best in our prefecture while not too long ago Karasuno was called the Clipped crows with a number 10 that only 160 centimeters and he was middle blocker which i thought was so brave of him and to be honest i've always loved a brave man, Me or my friend have never gotten the time to go to an actual volleyball game, we've only seen it on tv but that's when i realised the atmosphere there is like none other it's so intense and their opponent Shiratorizawa didn't make the feeling any better, the feeling of being overwhelmed, the feeling of being crushed under pressure but in that game i could see the pressure of victory, the pressure of coming so far just to lose didn't get to Number 10 which whose name is Hinata Shoyo, so beautiful i thought, so elegant and graceful and that was shown in his jumps as he smoothly was launched in the air challenging any block to come his way. Was it love at first sight? Or maybe just a delusion accompanied by the tension in the atmosphere, but whatever it was I didn't want to take my eyes off him. After the game i felt the strain in my knees from me constantly pounding my fist into them out of anticipation but i was able to bring out the strength to run home all i could think about was Number 10. By the time i arrived at my house i was barely able to walk yet unbeknownst to me my friend had followed me home and glad she did so they could easily support me back into my house. Once we were in i did a lot of research on Hinata Shoyo and I thought to be as good as he was you'd have to be a good player in Middle School yet that's when i realised, in Middle School Hinata only had one game, One game and against Kitagawa Daiichi and he only scored one point I was so lost in my mind all i could think of is was he really like that in middle school?


 I open my eyes to see my childhood friend Kirisome Toharu worried about me as always, Oh did i ever tell you my name? Well i'm Misaka Anzai i like to consider myself shy but sometimes i can be a bit bold or distant but overall i feel i'm pretty nice and approachable but back to the story

"Misaka if you keep getting lost in thought like that i may think you died with your eyes open, So please stop doing that well for the sake of both of us"

I felt true concern in what he was saying so i put on my biggest smile and said " Sure i wont worry you anymore" 

 Although i'm not really sure what i can promise but if to make Kiri(short for Kirisome) happy i would do anything after all he is like a brother to me. My lighthearted face quickly went numb as i thought to myself 1 month until high school, 1 month until i can hopefully meet Shoyo Hinata

"Hey Kiri, we are going to Karasuno together and m-maybe you can try to be friends with their Number 10 Shoyo Hinata?" 

I stuttered to get those words out and i was shocked to hear Kiri say

"Awww does my little Misa have a crush? Oh well i'll do it but until then let's focus on the month we have together" 

he said this with a smile i could tell was fake but i couldn't tell why but i didn't want to address it for the sake of our relationship yet in the back of my mind i knew this may not end well but we've been through a lot i'm sure we could handle this as well...

Hi Guys i'm Soul but you can call me kiri and i'm here to compete with my friend ichicka and go see what i'm up against (im pretty scared ngl) and hey if ya got something haikyuu related or another anime or game you want me to write i definitely will try and go find me over at my youtube channel Za Comic Dubs so this was me, see ya   

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