A little more history(pt.1)

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Thea Riddle knew of what their ancestor did and how badly he harmed the wizarding world and refused to let this cause trouble for her kids. She hid herself and her family with a spell and she would only reveal to her eldest the history when she was on her dying bed. For four generations this was done by eldest to their eldest. In the year of 2238 Loki Thomas Marvolo Riddle was born(me). My mother Jain Riddle and my father Hector Riddle were living with my grandparents, dads parents. My mom died giving birth to me and four years later, my father was killed in a construction accident. My grandmother took care of me until I was 9. Grandpa James died when I was 5 and the day of my ninth birthday grandma Sheila died. From living with her I went to my moms best friend because dad didnt know many people and all I had from him and grandma was a satchel of things I didnt understand the purpose of and a diary grandma gave me. In the satchel were a lot of vials and bottles, a cloak and private school type clothes, and a book called "Hogwarts, a History" I lived with my moms friend but when their first kid came around half way through my first year there... I was screwed. I wasnt as good. I didnt get fed everyday. Heck, I would go at most five days without food, at least one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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