"What's happening over here?" He asks as you are all giggling

"Nothing, nothing" she says still giggling and mike is laughing away

"What's are you guys laughing like that for?" Luke asks

"Nothing" you say as you give him a big smile

"We are just being goofy" mike says

"Mmh we are just being goofy" she repeats

"Hmm" he says as he tilts his head

"You're so cute" she tells him making him laugh

"Come on then" Luke says

"What Luke?" You whine

"Tell us because you've got some gossip" he says as he sticks his straw between his teeth

"No we don't have an gossip" mike replies and then you head down the stairs with shaughna and quickly run as the wood is hot

"Come sit on the hot seat Shaughna" Paige says from the bean bags and she tells them about the Luke M situation and then you all head up the stairs as Demi gets a text

"Islanders, it's time to see who's made the headlines in today's challenge 'news splash'. # click bait # read between the lines" she reads out making you all cheer and then all head to the challenge area.

Shaugha and Jamie are presenting

"Islanders welcome to 'News Splash'!" Shaughna says making everyone cheer "Callum and Molly!" She says and they both walk over and sit on the ledge that was water beneath them

"Love islands (blank) finds special connection with fourth girl as he's branded (blank) (blank)" she reads out

"Love islands Mike finds special connection with fourth girl as he's branded top player?" Molly says not sure but is then dunked into the water

She removes the first sticker to reveal it is mike and the last one to reveal it is player so she got the middle one wrong

"Callum?" She asks

"I'm going to say clever" he says as he slaps his legs

"Clever player?" She asks and he is also dunked and you remove the sticker to reveal Game.

Love islands Mike finds special connection with fourth girl as he's branded game player" she reads out the final answer

"Natalia and Luke M. Love island star (blank's) mum in floods of tears as son stays loyal to (blank)" you read out

"Love island star Fin's mum in floods of tears as som stays loyal to Paige" Natalia says and is then dunked in the water

"Luke's mum in floods of tears as son stays loyal to Siannise" Luke M says and shaughna removes the stickers to show that he was correct making you all clap and 'Aww'.

"Siannise and Luke T. Love islands (blank) is a game player who faked interest in (blank) in plot to win." Jamie reads

"Love islands Callum is a game player who faked interest in shaughna in plot to win" Luke T says making her laugh but he is then dunked

"Siannise it's over to you" Jamie says

"Love islands Mike is a game player who faked interest in Jess in plot to win" Siannise says Who is also dumped

"Love islands Demi is a game player who faked interest in Nas in plot to win" Jamie reveals

"So next is Paige and Finley" Jamie reveals

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