- Hey Ahk. I told you before, please call me Clar. - I said to him with a smile and earned a look from Jedediah.

- Wait... your full name is Clarity, lass? - cowboy asked me and I nodded to him. He smiled at me teasingly. - So what you're like pure light or something, ey?

- Don't even start on it, dipshit. - I said to him warningly and to my surprise Octavius laughed at that one. I thought that more probably I'll earn a lecture from him. I looked up at the Egyptian who had an amused look on his face. -How does it work anyway?

- Huh?

- The tablet thing I mean. How is it possible that it brings everything to life every night? - I asked him with my green eyes filled with curiosity earning a genuine smile from the Pharaon. - It's so incredible.

- Honestly I don't have a clue how was that possible. Well before my father has passed he gave it to me and told me that it's enchanted and will bring everything dead back to life at every night. - he said looking thoughtfully at the golden piece, I stood beside him and looked at it closely and noticed many egyptian signs, it even looked so magical.

- Hey, Giantess. How about we carry on our trip? - Jed brought me back from my thoughts. I looked back at the little guys watching me intently.

- Right, sorry I forgot. - I gave them a smile and looked at Ahk apologetically. - It was nice to see you. See you next time, Ahk. - I smiled at him and walked out following another instructions to where to go.

After meeting the Huns and very interesting Atilla whose words I couldn't understand anyway, and after bumping into Teddy and Scagawea - whose name was also hard for me to say - Suddenly I was passed by Dexter who jumped on my arm and off and knocked Octavius off of my arm. But thanks to my good reflex I caught him in with my hand.

- Dexter god damn it! - I yelled after the stupid monkey who was soon chased after by Larry.

- Hi Clar! - he shouted to me and continued on trying to catch the little trouble maker.
I looked down at my palm and sighed with relief when I noticed Octavius hugging my thumb for his dear life.

- God. Octavius are you all right? - I asked with concern and brought my hand close to my face so I can get a better look at my little friend.

- I'm fine... thanks to you. - he said slowly and gave me a shy smile. For such a small guy he was really brave. Only now I had realised how painful sometimes their life at the museum must've been to them - the little guys. Anyone can just step on them, doesn't notice them and accidentally hurt them. - Maybe we should go back to our exhibit.

- Yeah, that's a good idea. - I said and walked off back to the miniatures hall. On the way I made sure that Octavius was fine as well I kept my eyes on Jed who was just chilling on my shoulder... I wonder how it feels when you sit on someone's arm and just chill out while they do all the walking? I thought to myself and shook my head with a smile.

Soon we arrived at their exhibit and I knelt beside the same chair I met them the first time and gave them time to climb off. They stood at the arm of the chair while I sat on the floor so my face was just before them and we spent another hour talking - mostly they were telling me about their adventures here in museum. I listened to them curiously until I heard footsteps and looked up.

- Clar? What are you still doing here? - Larry asked looking at me surprised, I gave him a confused and checked the time on my phone.

- Omg! It's 2 am already?! - I shouted with my eyes widen. I looked up at Larry who laughed at my reaction. I looked up at guys and smiled at them. - Guess I have to go home. I'll see ya next time.

- See ya, Giantess! - Jed yelled after me and I could see Octavius hitting him on the back of his head. - Ow! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! - and yet he was ignored by the Roman.

- Have a good night, Clar. -  Octavius said with a genuine smile. I smiled back and reached my hand for them to climbed on and as they did I stoop up from the floor and walked quickly to their exhibits giving them a lift. Jed casually jumped off it on the Texas exhibit almost not caring if he hadn't jumped to soon, then Octavius carefully got off my hand and into his Roman exhibit. To be honest after tonight I don't blame him.

- Come on, Clar. I'll walk you to the exit. - Larry said and walked away. I quickly followed him and gave the miniatures quick wave. We passed other exhibits doing whatever they wanted to do, some looked at us with curiosity, some gave me smiles or waves. Before I knew it we were at the door already but Larry stopped me when I wanted to leave. - Clar there's something I've got to tell you.

- Yes? - I asked looking at him cautiously. Larry sighed and put his hand on my arm.

- Listen I... I'm quiting the job here.

- What? Why?

- The pay me to less and it's to get hard for me to afford anything except the bills. - he sighed and I nodded understanding. - The firm I told you about, they proposed me better payment...

-But? - I asked knowing that there's something else in it.

- But I wanted to ask you if you'd take the job here. As a night guard. - he looked around and smiled. - I can't leave them all without a good caretaker. So what do you say?


Here we go the end of the chapter. The next chapter will come next Friday! Have a good day guys!

~ Burnie out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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