"What?" the Doctor started, regarding him in surprise.

"The time to make a getaway is now, while we're still near the entrance," Tyler explained. "Once they get us down that maze of passageways, we shall never get out!"

The Doctor sighed in frustration. "My dear Doctor Tyler, I don't want to get out. I want to meet our host. I allowed myself to be brought here for that very purpose."

"Perhaps you did, Doctor, but we didn't want to come here and we don't want to stay," Tyler insisted, gesturing to himself and Jo before turning to gaze down the corridor.

The Doctor briefly rolled his eyes. How could he make this man see his point? "Don't you understand? You were both brought here by accident. Your only chance of getting back lies in my persuading whoever brought you here to send you home."

Tyler shook his head, more obstinate than ever. "I prefer to take a chance on my own." He then turned to Jo. "How about you, Miss Grant? Are you coming with me?"

"No, I'll stick with the Doctor, thank you," she replied, much to the Doctor's relief.

"Looks like I'll have to go on my own then," Tyler muttered hastily, turning and hurrying off in the other direction.

"Doctor Tyler, you're not going anywhere!" the Doctor called after him.

The other man stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What?"

"I refuse to allow you to endanger all our lives."

Tyler seemed to consider this. "Hm. No. No, I suppose you're right."

The Doctor sighed, a small, relieved smile tugging at his lips ...

... Which was quickly wiped off his face as he witnessed Tyler dashing away.

"Tyler! Tyler, come back!!" he shouted. "Tyler!!"

The Doctor started to run after him when several guards suddenly appeared, blocking the way. He growled in frustration. "Idiot! He'll jeopardize the entire operation."

Jo nodded. "With his life, probably."

"Yes." He watched Tyler hurrying through the passages, a guard following him.

He turned to Jo and found her eyeing him sympathetically. "They might not harm him," she offered. "You said we were only here by mistake."

Her admission caused a spark of hope to grow inside him. "Yes, that's right, Jo. I'm the one they're after. I'm sure I can persuade our host to send you back."

"But supposing you can't? They might just get rid of us." She bit her lip nervously.

The Doctor had barely heard her as he was distracted watching Tyler move through the corridors. His escape appeared to be blocked by another guard, causing him to start heading back.

"Jo, we're dealing with a creature of great intelligence, and superior intelligence and senseless cruelty just do not go together."

"Oh, I hope you're right."

The Doctor patted her shoulder and gave her a ghost of an encouraging smile. He then looked up to find Tyler running back to them. He'd overstepped and ended up falling on the ground.

"Tyler!" the Doctor exclaimed. He was immediately at the other man's side, helping him get up. "Come on, get up. Are you all right?"

"Yes, I think so," Tyler replied, flustered. "Thanks. Well, that was a bit of a waste of time, wasn't it."

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