Chapter 53: New Normal

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But I think if we are gonna be 100% honest with each other then we have to also talk about the elephant in the room. I am beyond tired of pretending there isn't one.

I wake up to the sound of my door banging. Tightening my white robe that I stole from a hotel, I run out to find Alessandro with his twins in his arms.

I smile and welcome them inside, "What a lovely surprise!"

He gives me a tight smile and sets them on the couch, "Stuff went down with the shipments yesterday so I have to go down and check it out. I'm sorry for popping up unannounced but Sienna is out of town and I don't trust anyone el-"

"Less you know I love these cuties and I told you this is what I'm here for. Go and please stay safe".

He kisses my cheek, "If my cousin doesn't marry you Sophia, I for sure will".

It's almost been a year since his wife has passed and although we all know they never loved each other, he still looks sad and I know he blames himself.

I roll my eyes at his joke, "Tell him to be safe too, You both have people to come back to".

He flicks my forehead before sneaking out of the apartment.

I put on a DVD of 'God's Alphabet Soup' that I grew up listening to. I then text Lace to let her know the plans have changed but she can still come over.

The twins are usually good-let me correct that, Antonio doesn't mind who he is left with but Esperanza cries for the first 5-10 minutes then falls asleep.

But I will say she has gotten better recently that if you distract her while Alessandro is leaving she won't cry at all.

Lace and Amir come in as I'm eating a bowl of cereal and I couldn't be more glad because I am still in my white robe.

Esperanza immediately reaches out to Amir and he smiles as he tosses her into the air.

Lace rolls her eyes, "I legit just tried to hold her".

I shake my head, "yeah she wouldn't let me hold her either. She's doing the thing where she only wants men to hold her".

Lace nods, "because she's used to her dad, makes sense".

She takes Antonio from my lap, "Toni is a good boy though and those cheeks! I could just eat them!"

She pretends to bite his cheeks and he sequels in laughter.

I smile getting up, "I'm gonna go shower then we can take them to the park".


I've been a little angry over the weekend. If you guys don't know, Bill Gates and his wife are almost done with the Corona vaccine. Now here's the shady part, NONE OF THEM HAVE A MEDICAL DEGREE! Not only that but they are all about depopulation. Why would someone who thinks we need to stop reproducing PERIOD, all of a sudden want to save the population?

Maybe they think they've killed enough people?

Melinda goes to third world countries to advertise abortions and convince women that having 2 kids is enough. They also went to African countries to perform vaccines for malaria that were laced with AIDS. Back in 2014 Melinda went to Kenya and India to give young girls and women a tetanus shot that was laced with medicine that causes infertility.

The nerve that woman has to be all about "lowering the population" but has three kids of her own then goes to countries where she ISN'T FROM and thinks they are the problem so she decided it's a great idea to inject little children with AIDS/HIV and inject young girls with stuff that will make them infertile.

And don't you find it weird that while doing a TED talk back in 2015 Bill predicted Corona? The Corona vaccine he is pushing to be mandatory will be a chip that will be inserted into people (MARK OF THE BEAST?) that he will use to track us. He claims it isn't true but how can we trust that man period?

They say their vaccine will be ready in a few months while LEGIT DOCTORS are still trying to figure it out. I wouldn't be surprised if Bill started Corona. They created the problem and now they have the solution.

Bill Gates former family doctor came out back in 2018 saying how Bill refused to vaccinate his own children. That makes you wonder, what are in vaccines that we give our own kids but he refuses to give to his? Since he is oddly pushy about his Corona vaccine I say we have him vaccinate his kids, his wife and himself before anyone on Earth takes it.

If they don't die, get AIDS, become infertile or something crazy happens then maybe we'll think about.

Matter of Fact, we don't want it PERIOD. Let REAL doctors do their jobs not a college dropout who got rich from inventing a computer. Being rich does not make you a health expert.

GO ON YOUTUBE: Melinda Gates was on The Today Show last month wearing an upside down cross. Everyone knows that devil worshippers wear those as a mockery of the crucifiction. Maybe she isn't a luciferian but why else would she be wearing an upside down cross? For fun? I don't think so.

Sorry for going off but I hope I educated someone today. We are legit in the end times right now. It's your choice weather you want to follow Jesus to Heaven or this world that will be left for Satan to destroy.

Hold My LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora