I Just Wanna Jump into the Stars!

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Neverland isn't far. In fact, it can be under your pillows. All it takes is a little imagination and viola! The clutter of pillows and blankets can easily be your haven. You had just turned them into a fort to sneak under, to surround yourself under your bed with sketchbooks, pencils and only the glowing stars on your ceiling to obscure your view. 

This time, you remembered to change into your jammies. Something fluffy with aliens. Now nothing can stop your sinful pizza hands as you draw yourself with the aliens! Continuing on the drawathon, you imagined a spaceship taking you past the Milky Way, into the beyond with Aliens or a less cold world than this one. You sniffed a bit. Okay, so maybe sitting on the cool floor wasn't the best idea, but just in time, the front door jingled to your mother opening it. She had placed bells on the knobs as a safety precaution.

You ran down the hall, almost slipping on some steps to greet mom. She brought burritos! "Sorry I'm so late, kiddo," she yawned. You didn't even notice it was 10 already, "I'm gonna head to bed now. I got more money in your lunch count." Kissing your head, she slipped away into her room. Grabbing the warm, packed burrito, you headed upstairs and put your pillows back in bed and snuggled against them as you opened the foil of the wrap. You pulled up an old story book and read your favorite tale of peter pan. Maybe getting some of that meat and bean combo on your bed while you started to doze off, you dreamed of wonderland and beyond.

The next morning was a Friday and boy did you feel hellish. You woke up with a raging fever, maybe laying on the floor wasn't such a good idea. Sending a quick message to tell your mom what's up, you snuggled next to your now cold burrito, still hella hungry with an obnoxious headache looming over you, School sucks anyway. Going back to your dreams now, you had an awesome one about a giant lizard and would like to get back to it.

Closing your eyes, you tried thinking of that epic fight scene. A blade in your hand, Sam as your pocket mage, the beast roars without moving it jaw. Then you bolt awake, running to the bathroom because the true beast to be slain was ignored, the real antagonist of this story was the burrito.

Bringing in tomorrow, Sam came over to check on your fever, bring the days homework for you, or what she can, and serve some of the Lasagna that her mother made for dinner. Geez, it was dinner time already? Maybe some rest is good, but you're worried if mom never came back home to check up on you a bit.

She stayed with you for a bit longer after the pasta dinner, giving you some NyQuil and reading excerpts from her favorite romance poems. Her dreamy attitude towards the literature and soft voice felt nice. It put you to sleep gradually, treating every sentence like a lullaby.

When you finally arose from bed again, your fever was better. There was still the light headache and prickly throat, but overall better. You stretched a bit and hit your bedside table, causing a little note to fall off. You check the slip and saw what it was accompanied with.

'Feel better soon!' signed with a heart by mom.

All she left was takeout from that one Vietnamese place by her work and cough drops. Neat.

You popped a cough drop in your mouth and went to reheat your snack. Slipping on striped stockings while you set the timer on the microwave, you went to look out the window and stare at the stars. Your house was a little secluded, it was just more spacing between the houses so you could still see some of your neighbors, but in front of your house was some small woods. You never really explored it, since it was scary just imaging about getting lost with no significant markers. Plus, who knew what could be in there? There could be psychopaths waiting for a victim, wendigos looking for flesh, or some eldritch horror ready to feast on your fear. It's a chance you're not ready to take alone. Oh, but how pretty the view could be from under the leaves and branches. The stars and moon shining a light upon your laying figure, resting upon a rock, with the leaves whistling through and the wind. Then again, it's cold as fuck outside, the scene could be a lot worse than you want it to be. Snow, muddy mush, dead trees and another cold, what fun that'd be.

The beeping for hot food snapped you out of your daze and sent you to pull it open. It was shrimp and pork spring rolls, vegetable noodles and egg rolls, so you now need to put in the egg rolls and cool down your noodles. You blew on every piece and still tried eating it despite the smoke. Consequently, you kept burning your tongue.

Sticking with chewing on a spring roll, you hopped on the couch and grabbed the blanket on the armrest. While rummaging your hand through the cushions, you glanced past the window, but did a double take when you saw an obvious letterman pass into the view. Fairview was all you caught before seeing the figure disappear into the dead woods.

'These hecking rascals, probably doing something illegal at this time in that place. Another reason to stay away.'

Your hand brushed against something cold and behold! The remote has emerged from the couch!

Getting your food, you set the food around you and got into a comfy awkward position to watch some weird and/or unheard of films on that one movie channel that goes basically nonstop. It seemed like the good life at this moment.

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