What Do You Want?

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" What are you doing in here, Out with you right now!" She scolded. You flinched at her tone, You quickly scooted off of the table and walked out without a single glance back at Joshua.

The door was closed with a loud clang behind you and you were suddenly left alone in the quiet hallway again. Soooo what were you supposed to do now? You just hoped that the nurse would not get you in trouble for finding you where you technically should not have been.

Maybe you should try and find the nurse that you were looking for in the first place. You walked down the hall where you remembered hearing her voice, calling out to her a couple of times. Your voice sounded extra loud in the silent hallway, no one responded to it.

Ok, seriously this was by far the shittiest mental institution that was alive today. The guards were absolutely useless, the nurses sucked at their jobs considering they were willing and trusting to let a patient wander the halls by herself. Plus when they were calling out for one of them they just ignored them.

Your Doctor was ok, but you never knew why he thought it was a good idea to bring Benjamin into the group. Well... it was not actually his fault considering he never knew about Ben until the last minute, there really was not anything he could do.

You huffed an irritated breath and decided to just make your way back to the main room to find the cafeteria where everyone was probably having dinner by now.

- -

The next day at group, between the Doctor, Willy and you, was one of the most frustrating group sessions you had ever had. The nurse that found you in the room with Joshua apparently made a huge fuss about it to Valeski, and you indeed had gotten in trouble for it.

You tried to explain that you were just looking for the nurse when you had found him, but they would not hear any of it. The entire session was nothing but your Doctor freaking out at you because of your actions that could have had bad effects.

Like for instance 'what if Joshua had decided to push past you and make an escape attempt?' Again you tried to tell him the door was already open and he was alone when you found him. 'You should have gone to the nearest authority' No one would freaking come when you were calling out to them!!

Willy looked generally interested as he listened to all of this go down. His head was tilted slightly and he had an intrigued expression in his eyes. If you looked closely you could see the lines of a smirk behind his barred muzzle.

You kept sending him confused looks throughout the session, unsure of what he was thinking and just a little worried about what it was. Though that was only on a small part of your mind right now.

It went on like this for the whole group session, Dr Valeski chewing you out and you trying your hardest to not just lose your temper at him. It was pure bliss when the guards came and took you and Willy away for lunch.

When you reached the cafeteria and the guards set you loose you went straight for the line. Eager to get something in your stomach as all this anger made you hungry.

All the people behind the counter smiled at you as you went down the bar. They had a few options to choose from today, From sandwiches to pasta and soup. Personally you felt like having some pasta so you went for that.

You took your tray to your table and sat down, not even getting a bite of anything before two hands were suddenly placed on either side of you from a presence so close they were almost pressed up against your back. A chill froze you in place and you almost dropped your fork.

"You're a different breed you know that?" A cold breath fanned across the back of your neck from a sly voice. " Trying to help people that would have no problem with hurting you when they meet you. Maybe it's for selfish reasons or maybe that is simply who you are. Either way, I admire how you look insanity in the eyes and smile. It reminds me of someone from what feels like a lifetime ago."

And with that, they were gone. You turned your head to see Willy walking away from you to sit down at his own table. What... What the Hell was that?!

What the Hell did he mean by someone from a long time ago?! would you ever get a break in this place? The answer of no came to you as you turned your head and saw the dark-haired girl murdering you with her eyes again.

Ok now you were just angry, you could not even eat in peace anymore without little miss I hate you for no reason over there staring me down the whole time for lunch, break, and freetime!!

You know what fuck it. You were done with everything! You were done being this asylums bitch. You threw the girl an equal glare and the finger before shoving your tray away and stomping towards Willy.

You grabbed him by the shoulder, even though he was a little taller than you and pulled him back to look at you. you were almost shocked when he turned with an all teeth smile flashing at you behind his muzzle.

" Yes?" He asked innocently with a tilt of his head.

" Why do you do this? Why do you torment me, then try to help me then freak me out again? why do you like doing this?! what do you want from me?!" You practically screamed at him.

The cafeteria was dead silent now as all eyes were on you. To you though the only two people in the room where you and the Cannibal. His smile disappeared and he took a deep breath, straightening his back and looking at you with stern eyes.

" It's not about what I want Y/N, that has not mattered for twenty years. Now I hope you don't mind if I turn the question around." He leaned in so close your noses knocked. " What do you want?"

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