Part 2

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If you didn't get that far in season three episode 9 don't read this note.
Just to let you guys know Peter Pan is not Rumplestilskin's father.
Stella-Rose p.o.v
Today is the day we get to go another land.Peter said he has a way to get to another realm but it was going to be a long journey.I don't care though.As long as I am with him I don't care how long something is."Stella."Peter called and I walked out the tree house."Yes Pete?"I said and he smiled at me."I have something I want to tell you."He said and I looked at him questionably."What is it Peter?"I asked sitting on a log."You are not going to like this but...many years ago.Before we met,I met this man.He had a son and they came here to be together.They came here to Neverland,by a magic portal.He wanted to relive his a boy so I gave him something."He said nervously while sitting down next to me."Peter what did you do?"I asked warily."I...I gave him my identity."He said not looking at me."What do you mean 'gave him your identity'?"I questioned angrily."I gave him my looks and power,on some of it but,he lives far away from us though."He said and I breathe through my nose."I didn't know he was going to abandoned his son I swear,he just told me he was doing this for his son."He said as I looked away from him."It's alright.You didn't know."I said looking back at him."So do you forgive me?"He asked and I looked up at him."Of course I do."I said and kissed his cheek.I looked down at my already swollen stomach."Will this voyage affect the baby badly in any way?"I asked holding my hand to my stomach."No it won't.I promise that you and the baby will be alright."He said determined.He kissed my cheek and then my stomach."You will be alright little one."He whispered to my stomach and I smiled and put my hand on the back of his head.He sat up and kissed me.
Suddenly an arrow was shot in the tree next to us.It was laced with a black substance."Oh no.He found us.Stella we have to go."Peter said and grabbed my hand.He stood up and made me stand up."Peter what is going on?"I asked in panic."No time.We need to run."He said and started running and I ran after him-well he actually dragged me with him when he ran-.More arrows were shot at us,all laced with the mysterious black substance known as dream-shade."We have to keep running."Peter said as I started to get slower.I picked up the pace and we kept running faster and faster."I know a place where they won't find us.Come on."He said and we went into the direction of the good part of the woods.Footsteps were running behind us and they were getting quicker with each step.My breaths were labored and my lungs craved for oxygen.The footsteps were getting dimmer and dimmer as we ran.I saw a clearing up ahead and pointed to it."Peter look!Up ahead!"I said as we slowed down."Come on.Let's go."He said and we went to the clearing.When we got there I saw we were on small hill."Who were those guys?"I asked looking up at Peter."That...was Peter Pan and his men at work."He said his breaths hard."Why were they after us?"I asked as he hugged me."He wants my power.Stella-Rose we have to leave.Now."He said running a hand through his hair."How.The ride is back there."I said pointing to where we ran from."I know,but we will find a way.I promise."He said kissing my forehead.I pulled away from him and looked behind me."I don't have a good feeling about this,Peter."I said and then heard a whooshing sound.It must be the wind.I felt a shooting pain go through the middle of my stomach.I looked down to see and arrow in my stomach.It was spreading dream-shade through me and it was showing in my dress."Pe-Pet-Peter."I whispered and he turned to me and eyes widened."Stella!"He said and ran over to me.He catches me as I was about to fall."No no no no. I'm sorry.I'm so sorry."He said as the dream-shade spread further to my heart."It's alright Peter.Me and the baby will be fine."I said coughing up some of the poison."I-I'll find a cure for this.You will be up on your feet before you know it and we are going to the new land.Just like we planned.Just please stay awake."He said as tears ran down his face.I put my small hand on his cheek."I-I love y-you Pe-Peter Pan."I said as darkness started to engulfed me."I love you,too Stella-Rose."He said and darkness engulfed me completely.

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