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I was starving, I wanted to engulf myself with the food we brought along but knew I shouldn't. "Dimitri my brother when will we arrive, my body feels emaciated". Soon he said. I always questioned how he was able to withstand the heat and hunger.
A loud noise rung like a massive bell. What is this ringing noise, it was followed by a short but strong gunshot. "Were being attached!" Yelled Dimitri
It was my first time being in Illyria, and had not known what to expect. But being attacked without having visuals of my opponent was frightening. Dimitri and I took cover atop an old broken down carriage. Dimitri grasped his rifle and I kept my hand near my knife.
As Dimitri was scanning our surroundings aiming down his rifle I slid down the carriage and started to crawl through the sand. I looked back at Dimitri he whispered to me "He's on top of the hill on your east side" I crept slowly in a crouching position. Slowly but surely I ended up behind him. "Who was he" I thought. Could this be the man I'm looking for. Or could this man be looking for us.
I was directly behind him I was about to subdue him then, suddenly I heard a loud thump, didn't think much of it until I realized Dimitri had shot him. "Close one that was brother you could have hit me" I said Dimitri laughed.
We looted the mans dead body. He had a black and blue symbol on the chest. The symbol resembled a lion and eagle. Right that moment we realized where we were and who we were against.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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