"Hundred percent...yeah I just want it gone."

"Okay," Voiced Casey before he took the envelope out of her soft hand, "Consider it done."

"Thank you." Smiled Brett before she walked out of his office.

Casey turned back around in his seat and stared at the envelope. 'I can't throw this away. What if she regrets her decision to not want to know anything?'

Casey continued to stare at the intrusion of peace until he finally decided to put it in his work folder and pull it out if she ever changed her mind.

Casey sat at his desk finishing his paperwork until he heard the alarm go off calling them all to what seemed like the second of third gas leak incident of the day.

Luckily, this call had no serious injuries and they were able to get everyone out of the building in time before it exploded. But once everyone got back to the firehouse Casey, Boden, Severide, and Herrmann investigated how many gas leak calls they've had over the past shifts and it seemed like a common occurrence that needed to be dealt with in a very expeditious manner.

Casey was just walking out of the garage and out of the firehouse when Brett came up to him at the end of shift.

"Hey, uh..any luck with the gas company?" Called Brett as she hurried to catch up with Casey.

Casey stopped and kinda shrugged his shoulders, "Got an emergency meeting with the CEO."

"Hope you get some answers."

"Me too." Agreed Casey as they continued to walk out of the firehouse.

Brett suddenly stopped and turned to Casey, "Hey, did you...did you throw out that envelope?"

Casey didn't say anything, although it seemed like his face did. He immediately got this wide-eyed smile before he started digging around in his bag for his work folder that contained the letter. "I had a feeling you might change your mind." Grinned Casey as he held up the letter with both hands in front of Brett.

"Casey!" Exclaimed Brett almost causing Casey to flinch, "You said you would throw it out!"

"What? I didn't really think you.."

"Get rid of it!" Interrupted Brett before she stared at Casey and whispered, "Please."

Casey turned around towards the garbage can and walked over and placed the letter in.

Brett let out a noticeable sigh of relief before she said, "Thank you."

"You sure?" Asked Casey as he walked back over to where Brett was standing.

"Stop. Come on, of course, I'm sure. No looking back." Said Brett as she linked her arm with his and they resumed their walk out of the firehouse.

"Thanks for doing that." Whispered Brett as she broke from his arm and started walking to her parked car that was a few feet away from Casey's truck.

"No problem," Called Casey as he instantly missed the warmth of her small body next to his.

"See ya next shift." Yelled Brett before she got into her car.

"Yeah, see next shift." Yelled Casey as he watched Brett drive off. Casey didn't know why but he quickly felt dread knowing he would have to wait the next two days until he could see her again.

The next two days seemed to drag by for Casey. He didn't know how he lasted but he did. He was just about to make his way into his office when he heard her voice. It made him stop right in his tracks. 'God, I love her voice.' Thought Casey before he shook his head and tried to pick up his suddenly very heavy feet.

Brett & Casey: 8x14Where stories live. Discover now