Chapter 4 - Fighting Your Own Kind - Peter

Start from the beginning

"Accident or not I still killed those people," he didn't buy my lame reasoning, "You should go home now, Peter. Leave me here, and go back. Please."

"I'm not leaving without you," I refused, "If you're not coming home, then I won't."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"I won't leave empty handed," I insisted.

"Even when you know I did all of those?" he asked.

"Yes. I don't care if it wasn't in tune with what I believed in. If you're not coming home with me, I'm staying."

I meant what I said. I maybe a firm believer of not hurting anyone, good or bad, but Aoi is above all of it. I had him on my sight. I couldn't let him disappear from me again. I would rather be a criminal too than living with the fact of him being one and me not doing anything. I really didn't want the visions to come true. If I leave him, he could die. And it would partly be my fault. Aoi got visibly annoyed.

"Either you come home or I'll stay and join the BoM too," I emphasized.

"I told you, I'm not-"

"SPIDEY! OPEN UP! SOMEONE IS COMING HERE," Deadpool screams cut Aoi's sentence.

I put on my mask and turned on the Iron Spider suit. I went toward the door, opening it for Deadpool.

"I was strutting through the garden and I saw several of them walking here," Deadpool panted, "Hmm? Who might this be?"

"I'm Aoi...," Aoi smiled awkwardly, "And you are... sir?"

"Call me Deadpool," Deadpool shook Aoi's hand, "I can see why Spider-Man fancy you. Ah well... I thought I had a chance."

"A chance of what?" Aoi got confused.

"We have to leave from the garden, FRIDAY noticed three people coming in this direction," I told them.

"I'll hold them off, you guys go hide," Aoi suggested.

Aoi went out first from the cottage. He checked if the way was clear and nodded after he made sure of it. Deadpool and I sneaked behind the trees waiting for Aoi's signal to move forward. We were almost at the exit of the garden when three of BoM members appeared. One was a lady with green hair and costume. One was a hunchback looking guy. The other one was a massive looking man.

"Aoi, we've been waiting for you at the lab," the lady spoke to him, "Is there something which makes you change your mind?"

"I'm about to go there actually," Aoi lied, "Just want to prepare myself."

"Hmm... We'll wait for you until you're ready," she seemed to buy Aoi's lie, "Don't take too long."

"Okay," Aoi nodded.

The three mutants left him and disappeared into the garden. Aoi looked at our directions and gestured us to quickly made our way out and hide among the buildings. Deadpool rushed out of the garden and I followed from behind. I stopped my tracks suddenly.

"Why are you stopping, we need to get the hell out of here," Deadpool said, "I don't think messing with them is a good idea. I'm not ready for my glorious ass to be flattened by one of them."

"Is there something you forgot?" Aoi asked me from a distance.

I turned at him. I walked to where he stood, grabbing his hand while touching his ring.

"There is... It's you," I sighed.

"Stop playing around, Peter!" Aoi whispered, "You don't know how dangerous those guys are."

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