Chapter 2

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They both sat there in awkward silence unsure of what to do until Yoite opened his mouth to speak "Miharu why do you want to help me so much. It dosn't make sense to me. You've gone so far out of your way to try and keep your promise and i feel like i don't deserve this kind of kindness from you.". Yoite said choking on his words. Miharu didn't know what to say did Yoite really feel that way about himself? "What are you on about Yoite your my friend and a promise is a promise so of course i'm going to try my hardest to keep it.". He said turning round to face Yoite so he could offer him a sweet smile but Yoite just scoffed at the gesture and looked away " I find it hard to believe its because I'm your friend." Yoite grunted. Miharu just stared at Yoite in shock why was he being so rude? "Why is it hard to believe I'm doing it as a friendly gesture?" miharu inquired. Yoite pulled his hand away and placed it on this lap "Do you know what I think? I think you don't want to help me. It dosn't make sense for you to help me out because you like me. Your only helping me because your scared im going to kill your friends if you don't" Yoite said his voice weak and raspy. Miharu was hurt that Yoite would think that was his only intention he had starting taking a liking to Yoite as something more than friends and Yoite's recent change in attitude was really getting to Miharu.

At first Yoites behavior was making it difficult for Miharu to find the words to say but after a while he knew exactly what he wanted to tell Yoite "You couldn't be any more wrong. You killing my friends if I dont help you is only a tiny part of the reason why I want to help you. Mostly the reason why I want to help you is because I care about you Yoite and I hate to see you suffer like this. I see how weak you've been becoming lately and even though I dont want to lose you I will keep the promise I made to you because I love you and I want to end your suffering". Yoite was shocked he didnt know what to say he turned around to look at miharu his cheeks were burning fire engine red and Miharus were too. He closed the distance between the two of them by pulling Miharu close to him for a soft kiss and Not before long Miharu started to kiss back passionately flicking his tongue against Yoites chapped bottom lip before shortly being broken off by Yoites sudden gasp for air. "I feel the same. I've been falling for you for such a long time but never in a million years did I think I would hear you say that to me. Im sorry for the way I acted I was scared of falling for you and thank you for keeping my promise. I love you too Miharu" Yoite panted and Miharus smiled a large cheeky grin."We should go home" Miharu suggests grabbing Yoites hand and getting up to start walking back off into the sunset. From now on they would be honest and open to each other for today something special happened between them.

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