Chapter 1

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⚠️ Tw/ alchohol !!

It was cold. That was the first thing Leia noticed. Summer had ended and autumn was in full swing. She stepped out onto the roof and the harsh wind nipped at her nose. She loved it up there, with the city lights shining around her contrasting against the deep black sky. The only thing she would change was the lack of stars. It was 3:00am and the city was as alive and buzzing as ever. That was one of her favourite things about New York, The city never sleeps. "This never gets old." she sighed to herself as she took a sip from the bottle in her hand. The view and the warm feeling down her throat were oh so familiar. She sat down on the edge and let her feet dangle down, making her feel alive as she looked towards the street lights below that seemed so far away. Just as she thought, it was too good to be true. "Leia Morgan Stark. Haven't we talked about sneaking into my liquor cabinet!" Shit. "Hey dad... father of mine! Have I mentioned that you look extremely dashing this evening?" A nervous chuckle escaped her lips as he rolled her eyes at her. Signature dad. "Give me that and go back downstairs and we'll talk about this tomorrow. I'm tired, and you're drunk. God this is used to be the other way around." he mumbled as he grabbed the bottle and headed down the stairs.  "Well, I guess this is goodbye, I love you New York." She said before heading back down the stairs and making her way to her room, before passing out.

Leia was awoken by arguing from outside her room. "She's 18 Tony. You can't treat her like a baby." "I don't care! It's still illegal and it was expensive!"
She smiled to herself, even if her dad disagreed with her actions last night, Natasha always had her back. "Tony, you're a billionaire! Don't act like you weren't 10 times worse when you were her age!" They both turned around to face the laughing teenager, "Oh good morning family how I love your chats about me. She has a point dad. Now, what's for breakfast?"

A/N i'm so sorry about the super short chapter I just wanted to get it started :)

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