the curse

19 1 1

Harmione wakes with the start .
her heart is drumming in her ears ,
her night gown is completley drenched in sweat, her stomach hurts and her nose is bleeding and ruining the sheets again .

She hears laughter and screaming as her entire body trembles and she closes her eyes shut as a wave of nausea hits her.

The fever has been kicking her in the ass for the past five days ,she feels like her brain is boiling ,but her healer had recommended that she stay away from Pepper-Up for a while. It was not helping her anyway so she didn't argue .

Two years ago Harmione would have probably freaked out for waking up in this manner .she would have jumped out of bed and reached for her wand and probably hexed the flower vase on her bed stand to explode. As soon as she was completely awake again She would've started researching and tried to figure out why she was hearing bellatrix lestrange 's Laughter in her bedroom at three in the morning .

But it's been over two years since she's fallen Ill.

two years of fever ,vomiting, ear and nose bleeds and coughing her lungs out .

two years of cold limbs and nightmares and her skin opening up every few days and rewiring the word "mudblood" on her arm.

Two years of living on her own in a cabinet in the middle of the forbidden forest and avoiding all human contact unless it's her healer .

In all honesty harmione was now too tired to try anything anymore.

she sits up in her bed ,she whipes the blood with her sleeve making even a bigger mess of herself. She hurts all over so she grits her teeth to keep from making a sound.

she doesn't want to wake her healer .she knows he's put charms all over the room to monitor her and she doesn't want him apparating to her at such a late hour ,there isn't much he can do anyway.

Harmione has a couple of years. Or so they've told her at St Mungo's. There's Nothing they can do that will change that.
It will be a slow and painful death .

She looks outside her window and fails to see much past the snow covering the forest ,its been snowing for weeks yet she hasn't had the chance to go out and touch the snow yet .it makes her sad and her eyes sting .winter has always been her favorite season and she simply can't enjoy it anymore.

She decides that she's too tired to cry over it tonight and settle back under her blankets .

Perhaps Tomorrow She'll be well enough to go for a walk , Perhaps she'll be well enough to have a proper meal, perhaps she'll even have enough strength to clean up all the blood on her own.

An: what do you think so far ?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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