"Don't listen to him Liv he's crazy, take it from me Charlotte is a good kid, she gets straight As she has an almost perfect attendance record, she doesn't have a criminal record and she always makes curfew now that's what I'd call a good kid" Elliot said and I relaxed a bit until John began again.

"But that's the problem Liv no teenager is that well behaved without a problem or a catch of some sort" he said and he was right.

Charlotte's POV.

I decided to ask Sarah if she wanted to come to the party with me but of course she was hesitant. "I dunno... it's gonna be filled with druggies and alcohol" she said and I sighed. "And we're only 16" she added.

"I'll be 17 next month actually" I corrected and now she sighed.

"If you wanna go then fine, but I'm not covering for you like last time" she warned.

"Why? All you have to do is say I'm staying over" I said but she shook her head.

"I feel guilty, last time she sounded so disappointed" she said making me laugh.

"Disappointed? She'd rather screw her partner than talk to me"

"Charlie you know that's not true. Wait I thought she was with Brian?"

"She was past tense. They broke up a month ago and she won't even tell me why, it doesn't matter anyway I didn't like Brian, I'd rather she slept with El than with him"

"Look I'll go to this party, I can lie to my dad since he's an ass but I'm not lying to your mom. She's a good person shar and she does everything for you"

"Everything? Please"

"You have a roof over your head don't you?"

"Yeah but-"

"You've got, clothes, a warm bed, food and an iPhone and you say she doesn't do anything for you"

"She doesn't talk to me, she doesn't listen to me, her work comes before me, Noah comes before me, everything comes before me"

"Take it from me  one time my parents didn't feed me for two days and my phone is so ancient it's not even a touchscreen and the only reason I even have it, is because someone left it at a bus stop" she said and I guess she was right, I always did get what I wanted, except for a mother who actually listens to what I say and that's all I want.

I headed home and was surprised to see mom was home. "What're you doing here?" I asked.

"Last time I checked I live here.." she trailed.

"Last time I checked you should be at work so either you got fired or someone died.." I tailed and she smiled but it wasn't a happy smile, she seemed deep in thought.

"Noah is in hospital, he's not doing to good so Cragen gave me some time off" she said and I nodded.

"Oh.... will he be OK?"

"It's his lungs again" she said and I knew it was a touchy subject. "That's not the point I have some time off and I wanna make the most of it" she said and I smiled.

"Cool so are you gonna visit Noah?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed" she said sounding frustrated, she sat on the couch and I sat beside her.

"Mom....can I ask you something?" I asked and she gave me that look...

"No it's not about that.... It's just...see I have this friend and she's been asking me for advice and I dunno what to tell her"

"Go on..."

"Well her friends are going to a party but she told me there'd be alcohol and possibly drugs there. She really wants to go - not for the drugs but you know...and I told her it was a bad idea she knows she'll get in trouble but she still wants to go" I said and she nodded.

"Does this friend have a name?" she asked and I had to think fast.

"Kate" I lied.

"Well Kate would be grounded for as long as she lives and she'd probably do time because of the drugs and you're not going over my dead body" she said getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"I never said I wanted to go I said Katie did"

"Charlotte let's be serious, I spend most of my time with liars who can actually lie but you...."

"I can lie"


"Yeah I'll lie right now... Um...um...."

"Exactly, but it's a good thing, you're a good person I just hope you stay that way"

"Yeah...of course you know I'd never-"

"I know" she said heading back to the living room and putting on the TV.



"How did you and dad meet" I asked and she completely froze.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean like I know it didn't work out but you never told me how it started" I said and she seemed utterly shocked like I'd just confessed to murder or something.

"You're too young to be discussing these things" she said turning up the TV to an uncomfortably loud volume. Why do parents always use the too young excuse!

"Mom!" I yelled over the TV but she ignored me (as always).

"MOM! TURN IT OFF!" I screamed grabbing the remote and turning off the power before flinging it at the wall.

"What the hell!" she yelled and I sat there angrily.

"Forget it! I wish you understood!" I yelled and I realised I'd walked right into that one..... Oh no.

OK hope you liked this :-)  oh and my updates are taking a while I know! :-P  comment suggestions please thx!

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