salem witch trials but instead of women it's gay men

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<Gay Witch Hunt. Season 3, Episode 1.>

Seeing his deskmate blow nail clippings to the front of him onto Ryan's desk was almost the first time Elijah grinned since he joined the Scranton branch

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Seeing his deskmate blow nail clippings to the front of him onto Ryan's desk was almost the first time Elijah grinned since he joined the Scranton branch. Almost. Not quite. Ryan hadn't been the kindest to him ever since he showed up. Elijah was happy he wasn't sitting in front of Dwight, instead of settling for the desk facing away from Michael's office. Although one problem with not being right in front of Dwight is that he constantly had to deal with Pam's staring.

It was unnerving. He once got up to ask why she felt the need to stare all the time but all he got was a timid and stuttering response. All he understood was that the asshole who replaced him in Stamford was to blame for her stares.


Scranton was a very weird city, to say the least. Maybe it was just the homesick feeling of wanting to be back in Connecticut, or maybe it was the fact that Elijah was overhearing his new boss saying faggy to his accountant coworker. He'd have to guess it was probably both.

He felt bad for Oscar, obviously, but there was nothing he could really do to distract others from Michael's oblivious outing of him. The other coworkers seemed to be treating Oscar differently, not that he would know all that much of how they would normally treat each other. He had only been here a couple of weeks.

He watched Kelly talk to Oscar as if he was one of her girl friends. She almost did the same thing to Eli when she found out she'd be having an Asian coworker, or maybe it was flirting? He wouldn't know, he's not that good at picking up signs from women.

Dwight watching gay porn was probably another thing to add to Eli's list of "Reasons to Get Out of Scranton". Pam told Michael as soon as she saw what Dwight was doing. Unfortunately for everyone in the office, Michael seemed to be on board with Dwight doing this, acting as if porn in the workplace wasn't inappropriate.

"Nothing wrong with this stuff. It's fine. You know what? Gay porn, straight porn, it's all good. I don't really get into this, but I see the merit. It's actually quite beautiful."

Maybe someone needed to tell Michael that accepting gay people didn't mean you have to watch gay porn. It wasn't gonna be Elijah though. He tried to avoid Michael at all times, even using his lunch hour to eat alone in his car in the parking lot.

Oscar walking from his desk came to see what this commotion was about, "what are you doing?"

"Watching some of your friends," Angela smugly said. Elijah was convinced she was like the average white straight Christian woman, full of hate and prejudice while probably committing several sins herself. Or I guess you could just say a hypocrite.

"This is stupid." Oscar tries to push past Angela but she doesn't move, prompting him to try and slightly move her. She doesn't move and he's forced to move her, she dramatically acts like he pushed her hard and falls into some other people. Dwight, in a rage, tries to attack Oscar before Michael holds him back.

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