The Pirate I knew So Well!

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Author: Delicate Gbego-Tossa



When wind blows in vain, I imagine your beautiful face, I take your hand and wonder. The distant ship upon the horizon of the R.C.S shore; where one name heard upon the mast of height.                       Captain James Sword.

The Pirate I Knew So Well!


            It was a lovely sunny day in Anikelata countyside. The trees were standing tall and strong as they whooshed through the summer days of fun. The day was truly amazing when I and Alex first met next to the public pool, just beside the pine tree. We were both excellent climbers and were not afraid to fall off.

"After you stranger," he said in calm enough voice for me to hear. I hardly moved as I just watched him glow in the countryside sunlight. It was the best moment of my life to meet my best friend at this time a day. His hair waved in all directions and his smile completed that perfect facial bone structure. Not only was he handsome; but also well dressed in shiny clothing of baby blue colors. I smiled back to him wondering what answer he might give for me.

"I think I'll skip our trip up there, but will suggest to go sit by the steady waters of our secret(sacred) place. Shall we?" Offering his hand as if he was about to disappear into that bright sunlight, he smiled again and nodded his head.

We both followed our path through country houses to our own century. His footsteps were not even heard compare to mine, but his breath so steady and so calm. I could not stop looking at him, there were so many things still to find out about him; I could just loose myself in his hair.

"Here we are my friend, our very own secret place; I guess I'll call it Red Sand Canyon. How do you like it here cowboy? It's quiet, no intrusions and no one knows about this place but us. Come, here are the steady waters I have mentioned. Now we sit down and wait for a ship to come to take us away."

We sat and waited maybe hours, maybe days, the ship took a long time to come.

"What lies beyond those waters that you dream of DC?" He asked me in advance. He knew my name, because we knew each other for ages, but never got a chance to express our feelings yet.

"To answer the very own question of yours Alex, I am waiting for a pirate I once knew so well in my dreams. Every night, a ship comes to these shores with purple sails and green dragon on the flag with a beige color ship and on board, a man that sails it. He is a pirate: dressed in white shirt, brown coat, black pants, and beige up high thigh boots, a pirate hat, a pirate bandana, a braid and gorgeous smile. He lives his life in distance seas, his friends are waves that crush on the shore and follow him all around the ship, but his playground has always been the (R.C.S) Red Sand Canyon. On the days he comes are unknown to anyone, because he rests here and goes on at once. I see him constantly as I come here every afternoon and sit till sundown waiting for that ship."

Alex watched me in his straight expression as I explained to him how rules of R.C.S worked. He hardly understood me, but tried to follow it.

"What if he never really comes and he will be blocked in your dream forever. How will you free him?"

"I will free him by spending the night here on the beach and when he come, he will be free. The only problem is that, you have to be asleep for him to come and sense him. If you are awake all night, then you are just wasting your time.

The decision became clear as they both decided to spend the night at R.C.S. Alex biked home to bring some blankets, snacks, drinks and tents. When he came back we made two tents, for a pirate and for us, left out a food there for him so he could eat and some light so he will notice us.

            The morning came fast to R.C.S. yet other parts of the Anikelata countryside were still dark. The sun shone brightly in the early morning of the baby blue sky. DC woke up with big yawn well rested from the night before. Alex was already folding the other tent and talking to the pirate like they were best friends already.

DC looked out the tent observing hardly believing her eyes that her pirate has finally freed himself from her dream. She came out of the tent stretching in her full length saying.

" I knew it, that by spending the night out here by the waters, you will come and free yourself from my mind. You have no idea how happy I am to see you. It's like a dream come true. Alex, this is the pirate I was talking about, his name is Captain James Sword. He lives on his ship, <<The Green Dragon-Liner>>. James's favorite spot is right here on the beach of R.C.S. and now he is with us. How come you came back Captain James?" Captain eyed his hospitality host greeting Alex and me with an unforgettable smile.

"I came, because I missed this place, I also came to receive hospitality from you and tell you all about my travels. You have earned to sail away from this countryside. Let us stay here one more night and tomorrow when we sail, I will let you the tale of <<Captain James Sword>> the one that sailed all the way from Magic land and came to take you to Ortega Island."

 Both Alex and I were real excited about our trip, but most of all we will see things that no one ever saw before. "Ortega you say, It will be an honor to follow those footsteps of yours to find out, what lays beyond those distant rocks? Let us once again unpack those tents for tonight and I will prepare us some food while you two are bonding."

            I was sitting by the fire I made from two sticks boiling a pot for sausages and potatoes that I shopped in the stone for. My salad was already finished and while they were waiting for me to serve the food, Captain James was telling us fascinating stories of the night. It was so wonderful to finally see my pirate again and this time for real. He sat up straight with me and Alex by his side telling us, how dangerous it was for him to travel to the southern parts of islands. The evening was calm with stars shining up above us and moon once again smiling to us with its wide mouth.

"Dinner is served boys, gather round and let us pray to the sky Gods for bringing us this meal before us to enjoy on this finest evening. We thank you lord for food and drink before us and come join us in our feast for we have to travel far away to find our destiny. Amen."

The evening disappeared, while deep night was occupying the darkened sky. We finished our feast feeling great. I could not wait any more and went to bed earlier then James and Alex. The two stayed up all night cleaning, talking and telling each other manly stories of the distant islands. Not saying anything about Ortega, James went into his tent while Alex went in his and we all fell asleep in deepest dreamland.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2010 ⏰

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