My Prince

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Long narrow hallways. High pillars with gold designs. Soft carpet on the white marble floor. Elevated windows that let the area swim in the fullest glow of sunlight. Crystal chandeliers. Golden frames of the royal family's ancestors' portraits. Delicately painted vases on fine wooden tables. Beautiful and elegant.

Although these did not matter because the servant was late. His steps echoed through the hallway. He tried to pass the seemingly unending path with large hurried steps. But could not. As his back and inner thighs were in deep pain.

Kim Taehyung, was a mere servant of the hundreds of others, working in the Jeons' palace. His job was more like extra help if needed on some occasions. There so he didn't fit under any specific group. But as the youngest prince's butler's son, he spent most of his life in the castle. Entertaining the prince in his spare time or since he was older than the prince, sometimes helping him with his lessons if his father was struggling with teaching the young man. He would also help others if they needed. It was like that from his childhood and stayed like that too. Not having a specific job but needed anywhere. However, he never considered himself as one of the castles' people. He didn't belong in that country. Taehyung always thought of himself as a foreigner who was ripped from his own home. Perhaps that was true.
When he was much younger, when he couldn't understand the happenings around him, his family was held as captives even after the war. Until the head of the guards found out that his father was previously a teacher and that was how they could escape the filthy place they were kept. Taehyung was too young to have a defined memory but he knew it was better this way. Sometimes he would have nightmares of children's cryings but with no image.

Aside from an extra hand, Taehyung sometimes was used as a replacement for the ones who couldn't present from being sick or some other reasons. Just like now.

Some minutes ago his father had sent him a message that the youngest prince's personal trainer was unwell and they were in need of immediate replacement. So he had to bring himself to the fencing room.

Taehyung cursed under his breath once he pulled out his pocket watch and read the time. He was late. So unprofessional and impolite of him.
The boy could swear on his dear cat's life, that if the prince spared him, his father wouldn't.

He couldn't move faster, his sore back and thigh muscles wouldn't let him to. Taehyung wanted to cuss the person behind his ache and his whole tribe but refrained from doing so.


The previous night, the king and his empress had held a masquerade ball. Not as glorious as a majestic banquet. It was just a small gathering with some members of the aristocracy. Nothing too fancy, as the queen wanted it simple. Although their simple was even far better from a peasant's dream of a royal glorious party.

Just like everyone who was supposed to wear a mask, the servants also had to have one. Although with their plain black and white attire they could easily be distinguished from the noblemen.

That was how Taehyung couldn't understand why the seemingly young noble boy approached him when the party was in its middles and took him to one of the guest rooms of the castle.

Taehyung had a vague memory of what happened the previous night. Since he had drunk over his limits.  Hence why he easily agreed to be taken away by the blue-blooded man right in front of many's eyes.

Although the young servant remembered the man's inviting smell and how nice his firm body felt under the soft material of his long-tailed suit. The hushed words were spoken in the privacy of the four walls. No matter how high he was, they all were such hard things to forget. Although vaguely and hardly, at the back of his mind.

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