Foltest didn't answer him, he felt like his back was against the corner and he wasn't use to being in that position so he rebottled by hitting below the belt. "I remember hearing stories about Witcher when I was a child. Is it true what they say, that the mutations that grant you your, abilities take away your emotions. It must be true, cause only a man devoid of all heart could accuse a brother of bedding his murdered sister while urging him to kill her." Foltest growled just when his men entered the room ready to take down the Witcher, Foltest stopped his men, "Leave Temeria. Never return." Foltest ordered. Geralt gave him a longing look before leaving.

Velorina watched the guards at the abandon castle, she smirked seeing them so afraid of the old wives tale being a reality. She can see Geralt and the Sorceress talking quietly, "You were told to leave Temeria." Triss said. Velorina shook her head knowing how stubborn Geralt can be, even when he was a child he didn't take hints real well, "But come on, these views." Geralt simply stated, as he went back to looking at the guards. "Are you going to kill her?" Triss asked him. Geralt stared at her with a frown, "I don't want the miners coins." "Or mine apparently." Triss threw back. "What is this girl to you? Why do you care?" She then asked him in wonder. Velorina smiled softly knowing Geralt had a big heart, and he wanted a second chance of redemption at saving a Princess life. "You first, I saw how Foltest and his men treat you. Why work for someone who don't listen?" Geralt threw back. Triss didn't answer only started at the guards who were Velorina entertainment due to their fear, "I'm sure someone as legendary as you figured out how to get pass them." Triss instead stated. Velorina groan in disappointment when Geralt threw the rock behind the guards making them run away from their post. 

Velorina decided Geralt can take things from here, she was going to see if she can help since she heard of the other Witcher demise. She was fearful of Geralt meeting the same fate, when she saw him in the mines she knew she would be there for him if he needed help. She wasn't going to let him meet the same fate as the other Wither, she would always protect him.

Later that night, Geralt was in the abandon castle getting ready to face the Striga, he gather his potions while waiting for Foltest Guard to awake from his knockout slumber. When Ostrit awoke he looked around with fear and confusion, "Witcher, this is madness!" Ostrit hollered while he fought against his restraints, "What are we doing here? What's happening!?" He shouted. "Tell me how to lift the cures." Geralt stated as he looked out the broken window, "No this is not right. Foltest will pay for what he did!" Ostrit shouted. Geralt looked at the man over his shoulder, "Tell that to her." He simply stated. "Carry me out. I order you." Ostrit huffed when fear started to creep in his bones, Geralt walked to Ostrit looking down at him. "Tell me how to lift the curse." He ordered one last time. Ostrit looked behind Geralt seeing something coming forward, "How do he lift the curse." Velorina softly but sternly ordered. Geralt stayed in front of the man when he heard Velorina speak, Velorina was staring at the man, her eyes was mixed with red making the man more fearful and started talking hoping this will save his life. "Sh-she was hiding from the Brotherhood. She sold me a lamb, she told me to wait until a full moon to wait and to kill it." Geralt and Velorina continue to only look at the man, "And then I recited some silly chant." Soon Ostrit started to repeat what he heard the woman tell him in Elder Speech, Velorina took a step back hearing the ancient speech.

Geralt quickly stood up to get his potion ready, Velorina stared at him knowing he was going to have to fight the Striga until the sun rises. "I can help Geralt." She softly said to him, she can see the man behind them trying to escape but with no luck. "No Velorina, I must do this alone. This curse can be tricky, any interference may make something happen." Geralt explained after he took his potion. Velorina sigh nodding her head, she grab his hand before he left, "Don't die on me Geralt. Remember, i'm here with you, always." She then cuffed his face just when his eyes were beginning to turn black, she leaned her forehead against his while running her thumb gently across his face. Geralt sigh as he held her against him, "Come back to me." She whispered. "I will." He simply said as he held her, Velorina pulled away knowing time was of an essences. Geralt gave her one last when the two heard the crypt open followed by screeching, Geralt walked away to handle the problem. Velorina sigh when Ostrit begin to beg for his life, "No. No. come back here." He whined to the Wither who only continue onwards, "You leave a man to die in such indignity?" He hollered. "You're not a man." Geralt growled as he left the bait behind. Ostrit turned his attention to the woman who looked magical in the moonlight with her blue hair blowing in the wind as she watch the Witcher leave, "M'lady, please help me. I'll make it worth your wild." Ostrit said with hope. Velorina smiled as she turned showing her ruby eyes and extended fangs to the man who fought back a scream, "I'm not a lady." She hissed before she disappeared leaving the man to his fate.

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