Finding Out.

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Daniel's POV

Joey has been very sick the past few months, and I meen VERY sick. He has been thowing up every 30 min and can't keep anything down he also has been so tired he can't do anything. "D-Danny?" As soon as I hear Joey call me I look over and see his face pale and cheeks puffed up I pick him up and run him to the bathroom. "That's it!" I say as he is leaning over the bathtub "I'm taking you to the hospital." I can't take to see him in any more pain.. "That's a-" Joey thows up for the 100th time "That's a good idea is what I was going to say.." Joey laughs but I'm already on the phone so I don't listen.

Time Skip until they get to the hospital

Joey's POV

We are waiting in the waiting room for my name to be called Daniel somehow got me in to see a doctor today. "How the hell did you get me in so quickly??" I ask barely being able to speak "Anything for my sweetheart." He says as he kisses me on my cheek "Mr. Graceffa?" "H-Here!" I try to say "Alright so, Your boyfriend said that you have been really sick so we are going to do some tests to see why you can't eat ok?" "Ok.." I said as I got up and fallowed the doctor out of the room and I almost fell over.. God this is worse then my mouth sickness..

Daniel's POV

Joey has been gone for a long time now. I'm getting worried soon the doctor comes in but Joey is not with her "You're Daniel right?" "Yes." "Well your boyfriend Joey has done something we have never seen before.." My face paled a little "You see Joey is the first male carrier. He is pregnent!!" I sat there in shock Joey is pregnent but how?? "Wait where is he??" "We are watching over him for now but you can stay with him if you like!" "Yes I would like to stay with him!" I say forgetting the fact that we have five dogs at home. "Right this way!" I fallowed her into Joey's hospital room. He looked very sleepy but as soon as he saw me his eyes opened wide "D-Danny! Please don't hate me!! Please!!" Joey started crying and I ran over to him and hugged him as tight as I could "No Joey, Joey! It's ok I still love you and I can't wait to have a family with you!"

A/N: Alright so I hope you like this! bye!

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