Weekends end.

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After shopping with Midnight and a few others. I had enough clothes shoes and hair accessories to fill my entire closet. Which I wasn't currently visiting because I'm a coward.
My room was at the dorms no one has seen me in days. I got so many texts this weekend I eventually turned my phone off. I was afraid.
I was sitting in the infirmary covered in different patterns and fabrics. I had to admit I kind of liked it.

I was giggling at the joke Ms. Joke told me. She Midnight and Hero 6 were all currently with me. When I heard a knock at the door. It went silent.

Ms. Joke answered for me.

"Oh Allmight" Ms. Joke gasped out.
My eyes widened as his slim figure entered the room. My body was hidden by the curtain.

"I-is young midoriya in here?"

U-Um- " she wasn't sure what I'd want her to say

"It's okay" I answered "I can handle this"

I got up from my bed and gently pull back the curtain.

"Hi, Allmight," I said. It was cold. He noticed that too.

"Hey kid" He smiled weakly

"You mind if we have some privacy?" He asked.

The girls looked at me.

"It's fine" I told them. My eyes never left him. They were hardened were they'd usually be so warm.

"Listen Youn-"

"Why did you leave?" I asked. I could feel myself crumbling.
"I had to- "

"Had to WHAT??" I yelled
"Listen Midoriya I know your upset."

"Upset? UPSET?" I retorted. " I needed you!"

"I couldn't have helped you!" He said back

I paused. " What?"

"This ..new you... I don't know how to help you"

"New me?? what am I to you? A puppy?I'm still me!" Tears trickled down my face.

"D-do you just hate me now?!"

"NO!" He exclaimed. "Never!"

"Th-then why?" I sobbed.

"Midoriya no matter how you look or what you do you will always be my valued student," He said with a grin before continuing

"I know girls can be very sensitive at times like these I didn't know what to do to help" He explained before pulling out a vanilla file. "So I flew to get this instead. I thought it might make me a little more useful" He laughed. And then it dawned on me. The file is Mikki's quirk registration.

I grabbed it quickly pulling it open. I read it over quickly.

"She can change me back?!" I yelled happily.
"As soon as she wakes up everything will return to normal" I sighed relieved. I'm so happy I hug Allmight startling him so bad he laughs.
Then  I realized "I have school tomorrow."
"Be brave Young Midoriya"
"R-right" I agreed.

Be brave.

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