Hunk looks forlornly, "Whatever helps bring her home, I'll do. Guys we can't argue about this. We just need to get her back. Quickly."

Veronica looks at Lance, "Sweetie, you haven't been in the field in ages either, maybe you should stay here."

Lance stubborn than ever replies, "No, you don't understand, I want to be there. I couldn't save Allura, I can help Pidge. I need this."

Keith runs his hand through his hair, oblivious to the sighs of the female garrison cadets below them on the terrance and replies, "Look, I'm through wasting time, we need to figure this out ASAP and leave. Pidge has been gone too long. Matt get a hold of her last reading, in fact all of them, maybe if we get close, we can pick something else up. Didn't she say you GPS her through her earrings...or was that a joke?"

Matt laughs, "Yeah, that was just a joke, I just know her really well and know where she likes to hide. Buuuutttt, I think I could reverse track her new grappling hook we made. She kept losing it in her messy work area, so we installed some tracking into it but that was just for her but maybe...if we can hack it, and we get close enough I should be able to get a reading. Keith, you're a genius!"

Keith solemnly stated, "Let's get her."

Griffin states, "Look, most of you have family who would miss you if something bad happened, and Matt, your parents can't lose the both of you. Let me go. There's no one who is going to miss me. But more importantly, I want to be there and help Katie. I want to."

Keith stares at Griffin, "I don't care who comes, but know whoever it is, know that Pidge is my first priority. Period."

Matt takes a deep breath, "Let me talk to Shiro privately, see what he thinks the best play is. Stay here. Be ready to move."

Meanwhile, Pidge hasn't seen a guard in days. So, she had to leave through the vents. There were no initial problems and as she's small, she was able to maneuver easily. Unfortunately, she hasn't eaten in days and with the limited water, she's weaker than she thought. Much weaker. Nor did she didn't realize how badly her hand was injured, or her ankle or how moving would make her head hurt so that was fun to discover when moving in cramped quarters. At some point she must have passed out because when she woke, she heard the scramble of alarms and yells of staff trying to find her. She froze to avoid detection and again wished she had her data pad, so she knew where the hell she was going. Finally, after what seemed like days, she was able to get to the main communication center. She just needed to wait for the center to have one staff member then she could drop in. Being as weak as she was, this wasn't going to be easy, but she knew she had to do it.

At the right time, she got down and incapacitated the soldier before he could sound the alarm. She sent her message to the team she was on and more importantly back home to her real team. She figured by this point they must know that things went to shit. In fact, as she typed out commands on the console, she could imagine their reactions now. Matt blaming himself and being moody, trying to reassure her parents all would be well while being scared. Meanwhile Shiro would be trying to come up with a plan to rescue everyone, coordinating with all interested parties. Hunk would probably be there acting supportive and cooking for everyone. She looked down at her hands, thinking of Lance.

Breath hitching, she thought this might be the hardest for him. He really hasn't recovered from Allura's loss and while she wasn't as important to him as her, she still didn't think this was going to be good for him. Absently she stared at the blood that was pooling on the floor from her arm injury. She hoped when Lance found out someone would stay with him and take care of him. She knew his family has helped him a lot and Hunk would probably be there for him too. Then her mind finally drifted to Keith.

Keith, just thinking of him made her smile and grow warmer. He's grown up so much since the day she first met him, blowing up that facility. Absently she wondered if they would even be able to find him and let him know she was missing. IF they were, she knew he'd be ready to jump into action. Not because he felt something special for her but because that's the kind of guy he is. He always acts and tries to help.

Her eyes close for a moment and lets.  her mind just drift. She knew her energy was waning, but since she sent the message, she knew it was ok to rest. So, she thought about her deep secret feelings for Keith and what she wished would happen. It was her favorite daydream, Keith returning home, realizing how grown she was, being struck by her beauty

(Haha). Then he'd ask her to come with him on his missions because he can't stand to be away from her anymore. Eventually they'd get married, settle down and have kids. She silently laughed at herself, God she was pathetic. Here she was dying, and she was daydreaming about a boy liking her. But her smile faded as she realized, now she would never have a chance at any relationship with anyone. Lovely.

Opening her eyes, she hoped she was able to save some of the members of her crew. She couldn't believe that at none of the other three teammates weren't still alive. While she hadn't seen any of them since they were separated, she hoped, her message made a difference. Pidge absently noticed her hand was quickly losing mobility and combined with the blood loss, she felt lightheaded. She decided to make as much trouble for the insurgents as she could. She was unlocking doors, dumping gas and fluids, and trying to type one handed while keeping her one eye closed. They would rue the day they took her prisoner. She smiled and laughed, God she was sounding more like Lance and Keith everyday. She missed her real teammates, more than she ever knew was possible.

But if she was honest, ever since Allura left, they weren't really even a team anymore. Everyone went their separate ways and she was having trouble sleeping. Nightmares plagued her and she couldn't help but think Allura was needed here more than she was. *boom, boom* Uh oh, looks like fun time is up. She could see them trying to get in from the monitors, but she had added a few fun explosions to keep them busy. Maybe she would just pass out in here and never wake up. Best case scenario. She really didn't feel like starving to death or being tortured. Pidge closed her eyes and put her head on the console. Finally, she could just let herself rest, she did what she needed to do...what she could. She hoped she made her guys proud.

Keith was aboard a Blade ship near the last location they had for Pidge. Griffin ended up coming with him at Shiro's direction. Keith knew Cosmo wasn't a real dog but regardless he found a shirt of his that Pidge had worn, that...he somehow kept but never washed. Deliberately pushing from his mind that memory, he leaned down to Cosmo, "Boy, I need you to take me to Pidge, please. She needs us. Please." Cosmo sniffed and huffed, and whined, almost quivering. Keith whispered, "I know, Pidge. Please, I, if you understand, I need to be by Pidge. Please" at this point his voice broke and Cosmo stood at attention. Keith looked up, "James, grab on." But one second before they could grab on, their communicator went off.

Griffin answered, "Go." Both men listened intently while Shiro details the message Pidge had managed to get off-complete with her coordinates. Keith murmured, "Katie, I'm coming for you, hold on." Cosmo barked, and both men and space dog blinked out of the room.

Pidge CapturedWhere stories live. Discover now