Just Another Girl

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She was just another girl

and there she lay,

pale and broken.

In her hand there was grasped a

small needle from an injection

oh, this is what it did to her

her face, streaked with dried tears

moved to the other side

and scenes from her past

flashed before her eyes.

her past—

it was too strong

for even the drugs to sustain

but it gave her

such sweet blissful delusions

she forgot her state

her loneliness.

her eyes were open, even though

she couldn't see anything.

her vision, was as dark

as her past

and her future.

she wasn't the same old girl she was

bright sunny locks surrounding her face

like golden fleece


her jason never came.

she thought


the pain would end

it didn't.

and now after all these years

this was her state.

lying on the concrete street

slumped against a recycle bin

how deep the irony was

since she

could never recycle her past.

she was never religious

but then she started chanting

the prayers.

in her heart, as

she could not speak.

"Our father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name-"

she could not continue.

it was overpowering her senses.

she fell into an abyss of emptiness

and with the lord's name on her lips

she fell.

and yes, she was just another girl

who lost her way.

got overpowered by the worldly forces

but she was weak, yes

she gave in.

just another girl

who got wiped off the face of the earth

but then

she reached the place where she

always wanted to be.

with her lord.

just another girl.

who finally

gained peace.

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