Chapter 2

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(Four months later)

I'm driving down the freeway, I'm a dark purple motorcycle with black accents all because Fuse said it would help us blend in with humans but I have to admit it was awesome being able to drive around. I'm scouting for any signs of Decepticons that might try and exposes us to the entire universe, causing us all to go back to the hell hole know as Cybertron which is a big no-no for us.

"Lighting." Fuse's voice rang over my com, I replied "Yeah, everything okay, please tell that Boom and Bang blew something up again." As I zip in between the car with my hologram rider on my back, Fuse managed to some how find technology on the ship after it crashed, a few days after we arrived on earth. Most of the holding cells were broken or gone so it was safe to assume that every single deception criminal was at large, with no Autobots or anything stopping them at all so we kept a low profile since then.

Fuse replied, sounding worried "No..actually there's a signal, an Autobot signal." I almost braked in front of truck "WHAT...How in the name of Prime, did an Autobots get to earth." Fuse started panic "they could've have gone by a space bridge but there hasn't been one active since..." Fuse's voice cut off and Bang's voice rang in my com "Just turn around and kick their butts, then they'll go back running to Cybertron, crying like a bunch of sparklings." I rolled my eyes at Bang, she and her sister solves everything with fighting and explosions. Fuse's voice comes back "it's two meters behind you." I turn my left mirror to see a red car trailing behind.

"Scrape." I say to myself as turn to the exit off the freeway, they still tailing behind me and I have to admit it was pretty impressive how they managed to keep track of me for this long. I watch as my hologram fades away and I bolt but the Autobot is pretty fast "probably a racer." The road was coming to a dead end "time to kick this scrape-head's butt." I changed back into my Decepticon form, the Autobot car change into a red mech around my age. He looked sort of surprised, he probably didn't expect me to be the same age as him.

"What do you want." I growled softly, he smiled "well, sweetheart, to put you back in capsule.'' I felt like throwing a punch at the guy, seriously just flirted and threatened me at the same time, like seriously. I see the deception hunter on his back, he'd pull it out any minute now and attack. I look at him dead in the optics, I'm trying to figure out his mindset that probably the wannabe bad boy with juvenile record back on Cybertron. I smirked at him  before replying sarcastically "oh yeah, I'm gonna hand myself over and then back to Cyber-hell with the biggest Auto-Idoit ." I wish I could take a picture of this mech's face because it was priceless, he looked like a mixture of angry and shocked, the twins would have loved it. I took the moment and kicked him in the leg-plate then his back, before grabbing his deception hunter of his back and start making a run for it. I yell at him "By the way, My name is Lighting, sweetheart."As I transform and drive off into the night.

I make back to the warehouse, yep, we live in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere, I change in bot as soon as I get in. The warehouse is divided up to suit everyone need such as Bang's armoury, Boom's explosives testing area, Rubble's collection of giant stuffed animals from random carnival sites, Fuse's lab and my training area. I make my way over to Fuse's lab, before being tackled to the ground. I look up and see the smirking twins, concerned looking Fuse and Over-excited Rubble. Everyone has a paint job to blend in and not be recognised. Rubble chose a midnight blue with white accents, the twins were all out with a violent shade red with orange tints while Fuse asked for a neon green. They all fired a million questions at me, all at once

"Did you kick their butt?"

"Do they know that we're here?"

"You sustain any injuries?"

"Did anything explode?"

I smiled softly, this is the good life and that's how it was going to stay. Well, at least that's I thought it was.

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