Chapter 1

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"So... what exactly is the rebellion?" I asked Tena, "Is it like or something?" Tena ignored the question. Either that, or she just though I was a fucking idiot. I haven't been able to see that well since the radiation wave was activated.
"Come on, let's take you to our base." She said.
She grabbed hold of me and kept me close as we walked. I could feel someone staring at me from behind.
"Please stop staring at me, damn it," I told the person behind me. The person didn't answer, but the horrible tingling feeling was gone. "Thank you," I mumbled.

. . .

Crunch, crunch. I knew we were in the woods, I could hear the crunching of leaves under my feet. I was itching to ask where we were going, but I decided not to break the silence. Then a thought crossed my mind.
Isn't it pretty bad to go with strangers? I started to panic.
"I really don't like that everyone's being so quiet," Tena said, "How about we introduce ourselves?"
Tena sat there thinking for a second, and said, "You in the back, please start."
We all stood still for a minute or so, but I heard nothing. Then, out of nowhere, a voice that sounded like it was coming from all directions announced a name.
"Sara." Tena then said, "Thank you, Sara. Next please."
A voice, coming from behind this time, said loudly,
"I am Bret Sanders, second in command of the rebellion." All I could make out while he was telling us this was a silhouette of a boy in a chestplate stocked with bullets and a gun of a variety I didn't know of. It must've been night, or maybe the canopy was dense, because when it's dark I can only see blurry silhouettes.
"Thank you, Bret. Who's next?" Tena asked.
A voice from the left spoke next.
"I am Koja Setera, and this is my sister Kori Setera," Koja said, then a second, high-pitched voice mumbled something I couldn't quite understand.
"All right, next." Tena said cheerfully.
Wow, I didn't think that someone leading a club thing or whatever this is would be this happy. I thought. A voice from my right said,
"Soy Doré."
What the hell did he just say? I thought. I must've had a retarded look on my face, because Tena said,
"In English, please," with a hint of frustration in her voice. The voice let out a sigh and continued,
"I am Doré, nice to meet you," then Tena asked me,
"Now, why don't you introduce yourself." The cat person said,
"Oi, what about me?" In an injured tone of voice. Tena ignored it.
I took a deep breath. I've always had a hard time introducing myself, and taking a deep breath always helped. Hestantily, I said as softly as I could.
"Emily S-Starlite." I knew they were confused because of how softly I said my name. Then, Bret replied,
"Well then. Emily Starlite, welcome to the rebellion."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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