Chapter 1: The Arrival of Alice

Start from the beginning

Alice goes next to Mat and whispered, "If she's forcing you to go out with her, blink twice and I'll call the police,"

Mat became embarrassed and awkward. This made not only Clover red as a pepper but Sam as well.

"Holy geez!" said Mat as he shared a look with Clover.

"Alice, I'll make one thing clear," said Clover, not blushing anymore. "This is Mat, and he and I have nothing going on at all; these are my roommates Sam (the redhead) and Alex, the workout buff."

"Good to meet you all," said Alice.

"And another thing..." Clover continued, then gently shoved Mat into Sam. "Mat's going out with Sam."

"That right?" Alice asked Sam.

"Y-Yeah," Sam stammered.

Mat was no different. "2 years roughly."

"Well, anyway, my name is Alice. Nice to meet you all; Clover, sorry to say, whether you like it or not, I'm here to stay for a few weeks – Auntie's orders – she thought this would be a good chance to bond or whatever," Alice replied.

Clover's face became shocked and quickly went to her room to call her mom.

Meanwhile, Sam offered Alice some chips and a juice, to which Alice started to eat like a pig... then burped.

"Thanks for the grub, Red."

All 3 were disgusted, but that was interrupted when they heard Clover yelling at her room.

"You what?! Mom, tell me you're not serious!" Clover screamed through the phone to mom Stella.

"Guess it's official," said Alex.

"Yeah," said Sam.

"Phew, I'd hate to see the look on Clover's face," said Mat to Alex.

"Totally," Alex said back to Mat.

"And, Alice, my name's not 'Red,' it's Sam – FYI," said Sam to Alice.

"Whatever," Alice scoffed as she kept eating.

Clover came back furious and broke the news to everyone. "So yeah, she's staying with us," she said as she went closer to Alice.

"We figured as much," said all three.

"All right, cousin," said Clover. "You can stay but we have rules and you better obey them and behave!"

"Pfft, all right, 'mom!' I'll be a good girl," Alice said, sarcastically.

"Ohh boy, this is not going to be fun," Clover groaned.

A few days passed; nothing remotely bad happened, but that was just the calm before the storm.

Clover was in her room making herself look beautiful for a date. "Perfect! Only took 3 hours but it was worth it," she said.

Clover went outside her room, and when she did, she got hit in the face with a water balloon.


"Ah yeah!" Alice cheered. "Nailed the shot!"

Clover quickly went back to her room and saw herself in the mirror. Makeup was running on her face; she screamed and went back outside to Alice!

"Look at what you did!" Clover screamed at Alice. "My date's gonna be here any second!"

"Chill, girl," Alice replied. "I don't understand why you need all that junk on your face just to impress a guy."

As Clover was about to scream at her, she stopped after she heard some voices. It was her date – a boy named Brad.

"Hello, is Clover here?" Brad asked as Sam answered the door.

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