Our first game

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There they were, the Hawks. Chanting their stupid name in the middle of the rink. Skating around and around, "Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks! Hawks!" Once they finally stopped cheering, they moved away from the centre of the rink and started moving from side to side, saying "One, two, three, four, five! One, two, three, four, five! One, two, three, four, five!" I made eye contact with one of the Hawks. McGill. He winked at me and continued skating from side to side. Their coach blew the whistle for them to come in, which all of them did, except for two who made their way up to all of us. "Hi, girls." Larson said to us, but mainly directed it to Karp, who got angry and tried to jump over the boards and attack them. "Karp! No!" Terry shouted, whilst restraining Karp from attacking them. The boys skated off and I saw their numbers 7 and 33. I made a mental note to look out for their numbers on the ice. They spun back around to face us and said "Goodbye" to which we rolled our eyes at, McGill chucking a wink in my direction "Bye, Princess." I shuddered "Ugh, as if!" I shook my head, turning back to face my team.

To the right of us the Hawks were chanting "Win! Win! Win!" Whilst hitting their hockey sticks on the ground. "All right, guys, gather round. Come on, come on" coach said, as we all gathered in a huddle. "Win! Win! Win!" We all looked at each other with uncertainty, some of us joined in with coach but it was off time "Win. Win." Then it was just coach saying it "Win! Win! Win!" Karp joined in but it sounded more like a question "Win?" Coach's chanting died down and he looked at all of us saying "Yeah, we're fired up." We all got onto the ice and watched as the Hawks hit their goalie on the legs before skating off into position. So, we copied them "All right! Watch this!" Averman said as we all got into a line and started hitting Goldberg on the legs, "Oh, great. Good concept, guys. Nice- ouch! Ouch!" Goldberg exclaimed as I hit him a bit too hard "Oops" I said shrugging my shoulders and skating off. Charlie was behind me and swung Goldberg in the legs so hard he fell over, face first. "Nice goin', fool!" Charlie skated back over to Goldberg saying "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that" "Oh, yeah, 'I didn't mean to knock you down with my stick by accident!" Goldberg mimicked Charlie. "Yeah, sure. I came in and you're on my own team." Goldberg was still on the ice, struggling to get up, Charlie saw this and took this as an opportunity "Oh, sorry, Goldberg. Didn't mean to, Goldberg" as he hit him with his hockey stick. "Would you get off me before I clock you?" I chuckled at Goldberg's threat. I looked around the stadium to find my parents, who were sitting next to Charlie's mom. They looked at me and waved. I smiled and waved back, that's when I saw a familiar face behind them. My parents were oblivious and continued talking to Charlie's mom occasionally my step dad would talk to Terry and Jesse's dad. "Let's go, Jesse! Go, Terry!" Their father shouted. "Hey, Guy! Isn't that Fulton Reed up there, behind Charlie's mom?" He looked to where I was looking and turned away to look back at me "Yeah, why?" I shrugged saying "Just didn't know he watched hockey, or even liked it." Fulton looked over in my direction, so I waved at him. He didn't wave back, but I saw the corners of his mouth twitch upwards.

The ref blew the whistle saying, "Let's go! Come on in" McGill skated to the centre as well as Terry, Guy and Jesse. "What's this? The Oreo line" Jesse threw his arm in the direction of McGill, the ref held him back saying "Hey, come on. Let's play hockey." Connie, Karp, Averman and Grace were on the bench with coach. I moved to my position as Right winger, I looked across to my left to see Charlie as left-wing. Elka was left defense, Peter as right, Goldberg as our goalie. I heard "Um, batter, batter, hum, batter, batter! Hey, batter, batter, swing, batter, batter! Hum, batter, batter, swing, batter, batter!" Averman was chanting, coach got annoyed and snapped "Averman! It's hockey! There's no batter. Idiot." So obviously Averman changed it "Hum, goalie, goalie, hum, goalie, goalie! Hey, goalie, goalie! Hey, goalie, goalie, save, goalie, goalie, hum, goalie, goalie, hey, goalie, goalie!" McGill won the puck, let's just say he skated past everyone on the left with ease as they all tripped over their feet. "No, I got him! I, I, I got him!" Peter shouted as he fell over. McGill scored, Adam banks skated past me and knocked Jesse's helmet off saying "That's one!" Jesse went to retaliate but the ref held him back saying "Hey, hey, hey! Easy!" It went on like that for a while; them scoring and us getting pushed over. I heard their coach yelling at them at change over "Good show." Larson then skated into the bench as their coach said to him "Sloppy pass, Way to stuff it, Banks!" Their coach kept on boosting their egos, "All right, all right! Let's run it up! Run it up! Run it up!" I was on the bench as well as Peter, Elka and Terry. One of the Hawks players just scored, again. Goldberg was yelling at everyone saying "Oh, man! How could you let him get by you?" The score was 4-0, "All right, line change. Come on, go, go, go." We went back on and Connie was centre, McGill got the puck and skated past her as she said "Hey!" While throwing her hands in the air, I rolled my eyes and skated up to McGill trying to check him but he passed it to Banks and Elka chased after him. McGill and king didn't slow down so they checked me into the boards. I heard the crowd gasp as I groaned and fell down on the ice, I heard the siren go off and the crowd cheered, chanting "Banks! Banks! Banks!" "Here take my hand" I looked up to see McGill lending me a hand, I hesitantly took it and he helped me up. He then skated away and blew a kiss to me as I shook my head. They got the puck again and Adam skated around our goal as Goldberg chased him, "Hey, you! Come back here! Oh!" He fell over and Adam shot the puck into the goals. "Why me?" Goldberg yelled.

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