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After waking up, Byeongkwan was in a daze. He still couldn't believe that he actually met someone in a dream. Everything felt so real.

He as currently seated at the table, having breakfast with Chan and Jun but he barely touched his food from spacing out.

A hand waved in front of his face, snapping him back to reality.

"You ok? You haven't touched your breakfast Hyung, you love bacon."Chan said concerned.

"How was your sleep?"asked Junhee, taking a bite of his food and chewing cutely.

"It was great...umm."he was lost for words.

"Yeah?"the tow urged, knowing that Kwan wanted to say something else.

"Is it possible to meet someone in a dream?"

Chan stopped chewing and eyed his Hyung."what?"

"You met someone in a dream?"Junhee's eyes flicker with excitement.

"Well Ifelt like I did."Kwan replied, circling his thumbs around the rim of his mug of coffee.

"Was she pretty?"

"Pretty? I think you mean handsome."

"Ooohh, what was he like? Did he say his name?" Chan asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"His name was Sehyoon and he had orange hair."Byeongkwan stated, remembering how the stranger in his dream last night looked like.

"What happened in the dream?"

"Nothing much, I almost fell in a lake and we just talked."

"That sounds like something that would definitely happen to you." Junhee laughed, his cackles filling the room.

"Definitely." Chan agreed, doing a high five with Junhee, while Byeongkwan gave them an annoyed pout.


"I had such a weird dream last night."Sehyoon says, massaging his temples and yawning.

Donghun places two plates in the table, containing two sandwiches and small bowl with peeled oranges."Oh, why what happened in your dream?"he sits down, grabbing one of the sandwiches and taking a bite.

"I met someone."Sehyoon replies.

Donghun halts from chewing and slowly swallows."You, met someone in a dream?"

"Yeah, someone whom I've never seen or met before in my life. He had purple hair and he said his name was Byeongkwan."says Sehyoon, who starts munching on his sandwich.

"Interesting." Donghun nodded repeatedly. " I've seen people I don't know in my dreams sometimes. But I never get to talk to them or meet them like you did."

"You think I'll see him again? In my dream?"Sehyoon looks up to the other.

"I can't really say. You see, sometimes a dream only happens once."Donghun replies.


During night time after a gig, Sehyoon was tired and was eager to get some sleep. Once he plopped on his bed, he pulls his blanket over him and hugs his white stuffed rabbit.

I wonder if I'll see him again...

He sighs and closes his eyes.


The day was exhausting, they practiced a lot and performed five times for five different crowds. Byeongkwan, Chan and Junhee were a trio dance crew called JCB and they would perform for many people during events a lot. The three of them sing too, but they mostly dance.

He changes into his PJs and practically dives into his bed, landing on the soft lumpy matress.

Sleep...take me away...


That night both of them had a dream. In the dream, Sehyoon was standing by a dock at the shore of a sea. The water was so clear it was the shade of cyan and the sand was white.

"Well it looks like we meet again."Sehyoon turns around to see a smiling Byeongkwan.

"It seems like it."Sehyoon says, staring out into the sea.

"The scene is different, why are we in the sea?"asked Kwan.

"I don't really know, but I like it."the other replies.

"Me too."Kwan heads over to stand next to Sehyoon. He looks around and spots something."Hey look, a sailboat. Let's ride it."he points below the dock.

"You know how to sail?"Sehyoon looks at him.

"Of course. Plus this is just a dream, we can do what we want."

"Alright then."

The two hopped on the sailboat, as Kwan fidgeted with the sail. A gust of wind blew on the sail and the two were off.

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