Trouble for Red

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I had finally gotten over that sickness a few days after Zen and Shirayuki started being official. Aside from that I had started working in the smithy again. I only did that during the day. Most of the soldiers already were equipped with their new weapons or armor. Tonight was a little different, I was scouting around the castle.

I used to do a lot of scouting before I went to sleep but hadn't been feeling up to it in more recent days. So when I was sitting in a tree looking around and heard footsteps from a not so quiet source I decided to investigate. There was a man, with long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. He wore dark clothes and a long scarf fluttered behind him.

On his side was a small sword. "Now, I wonder if Red's doing well..." That was all I needed to hear on this moonlight night. Dropping down from my perch I landed silently behind him. He was about to move forward when I struck. I made sure to hit just the right spot on the back of his neck before hauling him off to a guard station.

Granted I was a full days walk from the castle while carrying this man, but I could work with that. I had left a note in my room that I would be out for a bit and would let Zen know as soon as I arrived back at the castle. Still, I can't be too careful with people like him wandering around. Especially since he knows about red hair. Seeing as both Shirayuki and myself have red hair it is hard to say who he might have implied.

It was a little before dark when I finally arrived with the man. The soldiers took him from me quite quickly and told me to report to Zen's study. Apparently this was a big deal as the soldiers never acted like this before. I went through Zen's balcony to see him. "There you are, did you just get back?"

I nodded, looking out to where the soldiers had taken the man. "Yeah. I found a strange man wandering around. He said he was wondering if Red was doing well... Sketchy man." I crossed my arms and closed my eyes for a second. When one of the other soldiers knocked on the door. Mitsuhide and Kiki were in the room with us. From what I understood, the man wanted to speak with both Shirayuki and Zen.

So, he was after Shirayuki after all. Just what did he want anyway? "What? Mihaya?" Zen had sent Mitsuhide to get Shirayuki. So by the time they got back the sun had already set.

I took a seat on one of the shorter bookshelves. Whatever was up... it must have had Zen worried. "Yeah, he said he wanted to see Shirayuki and me. To see you. I'm sure it's a face you don't want to see, though."

Shirayuki looked a little downcast. So something was definitely up with the man I brought in. "Yeah, that's true..."

Zen had his head in a hand, probably mulling over the situation. Obi, like usual, had a hand on his shoulder with the other on his hip. "Is that guy the former noble who kidnapped Shirayuki--?" I frowned as the conversation continued.

"That good-for-nothing!" I jumped from my spot on the shelf and backed up. Zen was yelling about this guy. Obi looked shocked, I wanted to leave the room. My hands clenching the sides on my shirt tightly.

Still, I couldn't leave until I was dismissed. I had to wait until they were done talking. Could I even stand to be in this room that long, this afraid of what a noble outburst of Zen's could bring about? "He was in jail, wasn't he? What did he come here for?"

Zen straightened up, placing his closed hands on his desk. "Shirayuki, apparently he wants to talk about something involving you. Yet from what I have been told, it could be you or (Y/n)... because of the details (Y/n) told me at least."

Shirayuki was obviously confused. "Me?" She looked off to the side, Zen's gaze was hard and very angered.

I wanted to get out of the room. "What will you do?" To my surprise, Shirayuki agreed. Zen turned to me. "And what of you, (Y/n)? Can I ask that you walk into the room with just your hood down? You don't have to talk, or even look at the man... but it would be helpful to have you in there as well."

Red is the Color of Fate: Obi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now