Chapter 3

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T/N = Teddys name
H/C = hair coulor
S/C = skin color

I slowly get out of my soaking wet bed and carry T/N with me as I approach the now open door so I can walk with Kurogiri. My H/C hair slightly bouncing as I walk closer, feeling the strange man's stare on me. As I grab Kuro's hand (I'm calling him Kuro cause his name is long sorry) I keep my head to the floor, ignoring all the gazes on my small S/C frame. I don't speak, only wait for Shigaraki's signal for me to go with Kuro in his swirly portal thingy.
After waiting a while a pressure places itself on my back, nudging me forward. making me flinch slightly, yet knowing not to turn around. This was my signal, so I moved my tiny body whilst Kuro guided me to the swirl, everyone else following behind.

As I walk out I see wonderful varieties of colours, and a lot of people. Once the people notice everyone's there a black haired man hops down, whilst Kurogiri let's go of my hand making me wrap my arms around T/N. Kuro disappears making we worry but relief swept across my features as I see him appear around the kids, making sure they can't escape. I look at Shigaraki and wait for him to tell the others to punch me (basically someone has to hurt you to make you feel a certain emotion). The man who came over before is now up against Nomu and he's losing. All of the kids have disappeared and Shigaraki is getting annoyed that All Might isn't here yet as for me, I'm talking to T/N, trying to drown out the noises. Shigaraki finally notices a group of kids in a bush and goes to attack but the sleepy man looks at him so he can't kill them. My breath hitches and heart rate quickens once I see this, my anxiety rising as my wide eyes stare at the man. The earth beneath everyone's feet cracks and rumbles, my grip tightens on T/N as my knees tremble. But that all stops once I hear a booming voice. It's All Might and I swear I have never been so happy in my entire life. Truth is I've always loved and respected him, he's just so cool! The only thing is he's not smiling he looks really mad, but I'm just so happy to see him. Nomu starts going after him and they fight, punches and such being thrown at each other. Even some of the students join in. After some time bullet shots ring in my ears, yet I pay no mind as I'm too concentrated on the cool fight in front of me.

A radiating glow erupts from my chest and flowers sprout about my feet. Shigaraki gets enveloped by Kuro's portal as he gets shot by a hero that appeared. As he leaves he whispers "I should never have kept you alive"

Hey guys sorry I know this sucks but I tried my best

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