Camping (longer chapter)

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This is going to be longer than the last few. I had this idea for about a year now but my old phone with all the story broke some time last year Enjoy.

"Kriffing hell Tup you can't pack the cat!"
The whole Legion was going camping and Rex was trying to get some order into it.
" 'The cat' has a name You know and we are taking him!" he replied defiantly.
Thorin had basically become the pet of torrent company. The little loth cat was spoiled by everyone, even Rex when nobody was around.

Although they were going on leave they had to take a cruiser to transport everyone to a neutral system. This meant Rex had no work to do, meaning that Kix and Coric had to force motion sickness tablets down his throat. Now it was time for the whole 501st to see the captain drugged to the eyeball. Creshda force was sitting at a table together with Rex sincerely struggling to keep his head up.
Echo and Tup were trying to teach Thorin a trick.
"Well at least you aren't sick this time." Fives said with a mouthful of rations.
(y/n) had moved Rex to her lap. He looked so cute and apparently nobody cared that she did that. Although it was meant to be a secret, everyone knew they were dating each other.
"Maybe I can actually enjoy myself this time." she laughed and rested Rex's head on her shoulder, "I think I'm going to put this sleepy Captain to bed."
"Okay. Get rest while ya can Hardcase and fives won't let us sleep." Echo didn't look amused.
"Hey what about me!" Jesse looked offended, "I'm an asshole to!"

(y/n) left them to argue and went into her room. She placed Rex on the bed and started thinking again. She got out choppers droid fingers. She was still quite skeptical about the circumstances surrounding his death. So he felt the need to hollow one droid finger out and hide the message inside there; along with the fact his body was never found and all that remained was the droid fingers which were now on a higher quality string he would have never been able to buy. It seemed oddly like his death was set up. But the note inside clearly wasn't. She placed the droid fingers in a draw sighing and went back to sleep.

(Y/n) woke up first, head somehow on Rex's chest with his arms around her. She sighed and tried to get up.
"Rex wake up we've landed." she whispered struggling to get out of The vice like grip.
"landed? Landed where?" he yawned and held her tighter.
"I hate when your on medication."
"Boo hoo."
"Rex get up."
She kneed him hard.

Eventually everyone was outside and getting their tents up. Rex was trying to organize the chaos, Kix helping hand out tents.
"Right. All of the annoying people in one tent at the corner."
(y/n), Fives, Jesse and Hardcase grabbed a tent unamused and went to the corner of the site.
Headshot came up to grab a tent from Kix.
"Hey." Kix handed a tent to him, "Who are you camping with?"
"Redeye and mixer." saying this clone was excited to go camping was an understatement, he hadn't shut up about it for 3 months.
"Don't go too close to where Mesh is."
"Worried about me are ya." he pulled the cutest face.
"Yes!" Kix blushed, "I want you to have fun... Or I'll never hear the end of it."
"Love ya too Kixy." Headshot kissed him on the cheek then bounced off to mixer and redeye.
"You do know some people would consider that sexual assault." Redeye rolled his eyes, "He isn't even your boyfriend."
"Yeah, in all but words but it's Kix. And I know he likes it." he grinned.
Mixer just sighed , "But why clones?! I'm sure he's a nice guy but we all look the same. We are the same person! Why do you love someone whos has such a boring face?"
"Because you don't all have the same personality and he is so cuuuuute! Also he loves himself as well like so much. One time I went to go take a shower and he was at the mirror complimenting himself getting very-"

While mixer was gagging, the rest of creshda had put up their tents and were looking for something else to do. Then they found a massive hill.
"Should we climb it?" Tup asked.
"Maybe we should wait for Rex and Kix to be finished before we do anything stupid-"
Fives grabbed the book Echo was reading and yeeted it up the hill.
"Now you'll climb it"
"You ass your going to wreck all the pages!" Echo rushed up the hill followed by the others.

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