"C'mon, Law's called a crew meeting. He sent me to come and get you."

"Okay." I motion for him to lead the way. We go down the hallway and into the navigational room. The mood isn't much better here than it was in the library earlier.

Law is seated at his usual place in the chair right behind the main navigational consul. Tema is at the helm there still making sure we're going in the right way, though he's turned enough to be able to hear whatever Law was going to say. Bepo is standing to Law's right and the rest of the crew is gathered around him. However the spot to the left of Law was open, my spot. 

Shachi slides into his own place beside the twins and Penguin. I walk over to my spot and stand there waiting to hear what Law had to tell us. Though he's not looking well either; the dark spots underneath his eyes are darker than usual. His face seems more gaunt and his usual ever-present grin is surprisingly absent from his face. 

This isn't going to be good, that's for sure.

"What I have to say isn't something that you all are going to like." He starts off. 

Yeah, this really isn't going to be good.

"As you know, we've been stoping around lately and picking up on information in Marine and World Government libraries all over the Grand Line and now here in the New World. It was all in the interest to take down Doflamingo. I've been looking up all of the neccesary documents as well as looking over the ones Rayne found a few years back."

"Okay, that's all fine and dandy captain but why tell us all of this?" Cyrus asks. 

"Because you won't be going with me to our next stop after Zo."

Outraged cries break out among the crew. I, myself, am shocked. I had no knowledge that Law intended to just ditch us at Zo and then continue on his own with this suicidal escapade. I figured we were still about that 'together' motto and whatnot. 

"Law, what are you saying? That we're too weak to help you with this?" I ask, though it almost sounds like a demand.

"Doflamingo is a seasoned pirate. He's even better at taking down the opponents he sees as in his way and he'll use any means necessary. I don't doubt that my crew is strong but he's on a whole other level. Not only did he amass an armada but he also has devil fruit powers. He'll use you all against me in an instant, especially you, Rayne." He looks at me point blank and I look away, embarrassed. 

"He'll kill you all but not befor he tortures you for all that you're worth. When we arrive at Zo, I will be leaving you there and going to take down his SAD factory there and get his attention. You all will wait at Zo until I give you the coordinates to reunite."

"Captain that's not fair! We're your crew we should be right there alongside you! We don't want to be sat out like we're children!" Claire yells, her brother chiming in, agreeing with his sister. 

"We want to be there too, you can't just decide this on your own!"

Law surges to his feet out of his chair and everyone falls deathly silent. I don't know who but whoever decided to say that last sentence was probably wishing they hadn't at the moment, even if I agree with them. Getting to my feet I place a hand on his shoulder. Law looks at me before taking a breath and turning back to look at everyone.

"I can decide this on my own, I'm the captain after all. That's it, you're all dismissed. Get back to your jobs." Law turns and takes my hand, leading me out of the room. 

I struggle for a moment to keep up with his long strides as he goes back to our room. Kicking open the door he brings me in and kicks the door shut behind us. I'm pushed onto the bed and Law is hovering over me, a predatory look in his eyes. He leans down and kisses me. 

I kiss back and his hands latch onto my waist. Being close to him right now is something I need. All of this bad news back to back to back is really starting to get old. I just need someone right now to feel and touch; who better than Law?

He rolls over and tugs me onto his lap, our lips never disconnecting. I feel him unbuttoning my shorts and that's when I start to get a little weirded out. There were just some things that I had a hard time getting over while pregnant and being intimate was one of those. Breaking the kiss I push him away and shake my head. 

"Uh-uh, no way."

Law gives me a look and sighs, "Why not?"

"I'm pregnant." I say, as though that should end this argument.


"It's weird..."

He shoots me a blank look, "And?"

I roll my eyes and slap him on the arm, "It's just really weird! I don't want to... erm... do that until the baby is born. It's just... awkward to me."

"You're kidding..."

"You've gone longer, don't complain."

Law gets up and heads out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I arch a brow at him but don't seek him out, if he's going to be pissy that's fine, I'm not up for dealing with his moods right now. Lying back on the pillows I once again find myself unconsciously rubbing my stomach. 

"Your daddy certainly has anger issues lately. I hope that doesn't continue for too much longer, yeah?"

At the silence in the room I sigh and settle down onto the bed, curling up in a ball. It's times like these where I really miss Oz, especially that stupid Ginger-Mint tea he'd make for me all day. I bet he could've calmed Law down just fine. The depression sets in again and I curl more around the pillow in my arms, tears threatening to fall. 

"I miss you Oz..." 


Hey guys! I hope your holidays have gone well, mine certainly were busy, busy, busy! Anyways I figure there will be 1-2 or possibly even 3 more Non-cannon chapters and then from there we'll move onto the manga portion of this thing.

Hang in there guys we're almost there!

Anyways, lemme know what ya think. 

Of Warlords and Children (Trafalgar Law Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now